Welcome to our department
Gender sensitivity and protection against violence on excursions
Studying Geography
Meet our research groups
Welcome to our department
Gender sensitivity and protection against violence on excursions
Studying Geography
Meet our research groups

Department of Geography at the University of Bonn

The Department of Geography at the University of Bonn is part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and belongs to the Department of Earth Sciences. Our research and teaching covers almost the entire spectrum of Geography, which guarantees the necessary breadth in an interdisciplinary study program.

Once a semester, the Department of Geography publishes a newsletter on current developments and events.

The Department of Geography has a rich history that spans more than 140 years of teaching and research. It is the largest and one of the most distinguished Geography departments in Germany.

It has 15 independent research groups that encompass a wide variety of geographical topics. Our research is organized around eight research clusters within three main research areas: Water, Risk and Geomatics. Geomorphology, Hydrology, Development Geography and Remote Sensing are just a few examples of our wide choice of research clusters in Human and Physical Geographies. Each of our research fields is managed by one or more professors in the department. This enables us to provide our students with a high quality and unique education, especially if they wish to choose an interdisciplinary or applied study-approach.

Entrance of the main building in summer
© Friederike Pauk/GIUB
New GIUB newsletter published
The new GIUB newsletter is published. The newsletter will inform erveryone associated with the Department of Geography about recent developments and events in a compact form once a semester. Please subscibe here: https://listen.uni-bonn.de/wws/subscribe/giub-newsletter
GIUB welcomed Dr. Eliaza Jones Mkuna from Mzumbe University, Tanzania
As part of the ERASMUS+ worldwide cooperation, the Department of Geography welcomed Dr. Eliaza Jones Mkuna from Mzumbe University, Tanzania. He is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Mzumbe University in the Department of Economics and Head of Research and Publications Department. 
New research project on water security in southern Africa launched
The Federal Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF) has been funding the Programme on Water Security in Southern Africa (WASA) since this year, in which the ‘Eco-Hydrology and Water Resources Management’ working group, led by Prof. Evers, participates.
Workshop Report: Intimate geographies of migration
From Oct. 10-11, 2024 the workshop "Intimate geographies of migration: (Countering) postcolonial violence in the urban everyday" took place in Bonn. The event was organised by Dr. Elisabeth Kirndörfer and Lea Haack from the research group "Cultural Geography". This report summarises the panel on "The intimate geographies of migration: (Countering) postcolonial violence in the urban everyday" and the panel discussion on "Critical engagements with postcolonial power relations in our research fields and at the University".
KaVoMa Webtalk - Bevölkerungsschutz und Nachhaltigkeit
online (Zoom)
06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Den Bevölkerungsschutz zukunftsfähig aufzustellen, bedeutet, ihn in mehrerlei Hinsicht „fit“, resilient und vor allem nachhaltig zu machen. Insbesondere das ...
Job and internship exchange
Meckenheimer Allee 176
02:00 PM - 05:00 PM
The annual internship exchange will take place on 21.05.2025 at the Geozentrum. Further information on exhibitors will follow!

The Department of Geography on Social Media

The Department of Geography is active on different social media portals. Please use the following links to get directly on our profiles.


We post all news from the department on teaching, events and the everyday life at the department on Instagram. You can also find the best pictures from our field trips here.


We publish the latest news from the work of our research groups (e.g. new projects & publications, exciting talks) on Bluesky, and are connected to important institutions and researchers.


We have different videos on YouTube: introductions of the department and certain groups within, videos from field trips, helpful tips on literature research in our library and much more.

Links to other important institutions

Directly connected with the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn are the Fachschaft Geographie, the Geographical Society of Bonn and the Geoverbund ABC/J.

Student Council Geography 

The Fachschaft Geographie is the officially elected Student Council Geography and represents all students at the Department of Geography.

Geographical Society of Bonn

The Geographical Society of Bonn (BGG) is a registered, non-profit association. The most important goal of the BGG is to present findings of geographical research to the general public in easily comprehensible way.

Geoverbund ABC/J

The Geoverbund ABC/J is the geoscientific network of the Aachen-Bonn-Cologne/Jülich research area.


Address of the Department


+49 (0)228-737290



Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn


Administrative Office, Andrea Herold-Jahn


+49 (0)228 73-7290



Meckenheimer Allee 166

Room 0.011 (104a)

53115 Bonn


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