International profile
Internationality is a key component of the University of Bonn’s mission statement. It wants to be among the leading universities with an international profile, helped by its world-renowned top-level research and diverse international partnerships.
In 2019, the Department of Geography devised its own Internationalization Strategy, which is embedded in the University’s own strategy. Besides research, the internationalization of studying and teaching is another of its core elements. The internationalization of administrative processes is also playing a crucial role.
International research partnerships
Our researchers work on research projects with colleagues from all over the world, focusing primarily on Europe and Africa. ERASMUS cooperation agreements2 are also in place with many of our European partner institutions, which enhance the research partnerships through the possibilities afforded by the Erasmus Student Mobility for Studies and Staff Mobility for Teaching programs.
The GIUB holds an ERASMUS worldwide cooperation with the Sokoine3 and Mzumbe4 University in Tanzania. In the framework of this ERASMUS partnership staff and student exchange is supported.

International research partnerships
- Ethiopia, Addis Abeba, Addis Ababa University (RG Müller-Mahn5)
- Ethiopia, Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (RG Greve6, ZFL7)
- Benin, Abomey-Calavi, West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted
Land Use (WASCAL) (RG Evers8) - Benin, Cotonou, University of Abomey Calavi Benin Republic (RG Evers8)
- Ghana, Accra, National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) (RG Evers8)
- Ghana, Accra, West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) (RG Evers8)
- Ghana, Accra, Water Resources Commission of Ghana (WRC) (RG Evers8)
- Cameroon, Yaoundé, University Yaounde (RG Kistemann)
- Kenia, Nairobi, International Relations and Peace Studies,United States International Uni-
versity (RG Klagge9) - Kenya, Nairobi, Kenyatta University (RG Müller-Mahn5, RG Klagge9)
- Kenya, Nairobi, University of Nairobi (RG Müller-Mahn5)
- Kenya, Nairobi, United States International University (RG Klagge9)
- Namibia, Windhoek, University of Namibia (RG Müller-Mahn5)
- Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam University (RG Müller-Mahn5)
- Tanzania, Morogoro, Sokoine University (RG Evers8)
- Tanzania, Mzumbe, Mzumbe University (RG Müller-Mahn5)
- Togo, Lomé, Université de Lomé (RG Evers8)
- Australia, Perth, University of Western Australia (RG Klaus10)
- Myanmar, Yangon, Myanmar Maritime University (RG Evers8)
- Myanmar, Yangon, Yangon Technological University (RG Evers8)
- Myanmar, Yangon, Myanmar Water Centre (RG Evers8)
- Myanmar, Mandalay, Mandalay University (MU) (RG Evers8)
- Russia, Tomsk, Geographisch-Geologisches Institut der Staatlichen Universität (RG Herget11)
- Russia, Novosibirsk, Russische Akademie der Wissenschaften – Abt. Sibirien (RG Herget11)
- Russia, Moskau, Russische Akademie der Wissenschaften (RG Herget11)
- Thailand, Bangkok, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) (RG Evers8)
- Belgium, Gehnt, Ghent University, Department of Geography (RG Klagge9)
- Belgium, Lüttich, Department of Political Science (RG Marquardt12)
Great Britain, Birmingham, University of Birmingham (RG Klaus10)
Great Britain, Bristol, University of the West of England (RG Klaus10)
- Great Britain, Cambridge, Cambridge University, School of Geography and the Environment (RG Marquardt12)
Great Britain, Glasgow, University of Glasgow (RG Klagge9)
- Great Britain, Southampton, University of Southampton, School of Geography (RG Herget11)
- Great Britain, Nottingham, University of Nottingham (RG Klaus10)
- Iceland, Reykjavik, University of Iceland (RG Klagge10)
- Italy, Florenz, Università degli Studi di Firenze (RG Klaus10)
- Italy, Frascati, European Space Agency (RG Remote Sensing13)
- Italy, Padua, Universita degli studi di Padova, Department of Geoscience (RG Herget11)
- Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette / Belval, Institute of Socio-Economic Research (RG Klagge9)
- Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (RG Klaus10)
- Netherlands, Delft, Technische Universiteit Delft (RG Evers8, RG Klaus10)
- Netherlands, Ede / Wageningen, Wetlands International (RG Remote Sensing13)
- Norway, Bö, USN (RG Löffler14)
- Norway, Bergen, Department of Geography (RG Löffler14)
- Norway, Ålesund, NTNU (RG Löffler14)
- Norway, Geiranger, Geirangerfjord World Heritage Foundation / Norwegian Fjord Centre (RG Löffler14)
- Austria, Salzburg, Universität Salzburg, Geographisches Institut (RG Herget11)
- Poland, Wrocław, University of Wrocław, Institute of Geography and Regional Development (RG Herget11)
- Sweden, Karlstad, Karlstad University (RG Evers8)
- Sweden, Uppsala, Uppsala University (RG Evers8)
- Switzerland, Bern, Universität Bern, Geographisches Institut (RG Marquardt12), Historisches Institut (RG Herget11)
- Switzerland, Birmensdorf, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL (RG Klagge9)
- Switzerland, Fribourg, University of Fribourg, Department of Geosciences, (RG Schrott15)
- Switzerland, Genf, Group on Earth Observations (GEO) (RG Remote Sensing13)
- Spain Madrid, Spanische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Laboratory of Geomorphology, (RG Herget11)
- Spain, Granada, Universidad de Granada, Department of Geography and Biology (RG Löffler14)
- Spain, Granada, Sierra Nevada National Park and Natural Park
- Argentina , Mendoza, CCT-IANIGLA, CONICET (RG Schrott15)
- Argentina , San Juan, University of San Juan (RG Schrott15)
- Brazil, Florianopolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (RG Klaus10)
- Brazil (RG Evers8)
- Chile, Santiago de Chile, Universidad de Chile (RG Hörschelmann16)
- Chile, Valdivia, Universidad Austral de Chile (RG Hörschelmann17)
- Ecuador, Cuenca and Quito (RG Klaus10)
International projects
Geographical research in Bonn is mainly focused on the following three research areas18: water, risk and geomatics. Within these key fields, the nine research groups19 carry out their research projects in many different parts of the world. Africa is the Department of Geography’s regional research focus, with various projects under way in the western and eastern parts of the continent. Worthy of particular mention is the Collaborative Research Center CRC 228 "Future Rural Africa"20 in which three of the department’s working groups are involved.

International projects
- CRC 228 - Future Rural Africa:20 Research Profile of the Collaborative Research Centre (Kenia, Namibia, Tansania / RG Müller-Mahn21 / RG Evers 22/ RG Klagge23)
- ClimAfri:24 Implementing CLIMate-sensitive Adaptation strategies to reduce Flood RIsk in the transboundary Lower Mono River catchment in Togo and Benin (Togo,Benin / RG Evers22)
- COVID-19 Risks and Innovations for Sustainable Livelihoods in Ethiopia25 (TRA6) (Äthopien / RG Müller-Mahn21).
- Contested futures under COVID-19 & drought - a multi-dimensional risk analysis for food
security in Eastern Africa (TRA6, RG Müller-Mahn21) - Contending with COVID-19 shock in selected African countries: Micro-level evidence from
Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Namibia (Argelander Grant, Universität Bonn; RG Müller-Mahn21/Dr. Christiane Stephan). - DeMo: Satellitengestützte Detektion und Monitoring tropischer Feuchtgebiete zur Unterstützung nachhaltiger Entwicklung und Ressourcennutzung (Ruanda / RG Fernerkundung26)
- DREAMS: Entwicklung resilienter afrikanischer Städte und von deren urbaner Umgebung
unter der Herausforderung der Bereitstellung essentieller städtischer nachhaltiger Entwick-
lungsziele (RG Müller-Mahn21). - GLOBE-Drought27 (Simbabwe, ZFL7)
- Marketizing WASH – Laboratizing Society? On entrepreneurial service delivery and the mar-
ketization of water supply and sanitation in Kenya (DAAD; RG Klagge23/Dr. Christiane Tristl). - NILE-NEXUS: Opportunities for a sustainable food-energy-water future in the Blue Nile Mountain28s (Äthiopien / RG Müller-Mahn21)
- One Health and Urban Transformation29 – recognizing risks, developing sustainable solutions (Ghana / RG Evers22)
- PARADeS: Participatory assessment of flood related disaster prevention and development of an adapted coping system in Ghana (R&D-Project) BMBF (Ghana / RG Evers22)
- Sentinels-4-African-DRR30: Copernicus User Uptake in Africa via technical support in the field of Disaster Management and Disaster Risk Reduction (RG Greve,31 ZFL7)
- SPEAR32 - Space based Earth observation Applications for Emergency Response and Disaster Risk Reduction (ZFL7)
- Urban villages by the airport33. Everyday entanglements of social-economic extremes and
negotiations in anticipation of development-induced displacement. (Elfenbeinküste; Fritz Thyssen Stiftung für Wissenschaftsförderung; RG Müller-Mahn21/Dr. Irit Eguavoen & Dr. Sneha Sharma). - Zukunfts-T/Räume in Ostafrika. Imaginationspraktiken und Geographie-Machen in Entwick-
lungskontexten (DFG; RG Müller-Mahn21/Dr. Christiane Stephan).
- Chronology of Pleistocene ice-dammed lake outburst floods in the Altai-Mountains, Siberia
(DFG; RG Herget34). - One Health and Urban Transformation29 – recognizing risks, developing sustainable solutions (Indien / RG Evers35)
- SEWAMM36: Sustainable ecohydrological water management under global change in Myan-mar (DAAD; RG Evers22)
- Urban villages by the airport33. Everyday entanglements of social-economic extremes and
negotiations in anticipation of development-induced displacement. (Indien; Fritz Thyssen Stiftung für Wissenschaftsförderung; RG Müller-Mahn21/Dr. Irit Eguavoen & Dr. Sneha Sharma).
Nature-based Urban Innovation (RG Hörschelmann16)
The everyday experiences of young asylum seekers and refugees in public space (RG Hörschelmann16).
Re-Collect/Re-Collect: Crossing the East-West divides through memories of Cold War child-hood experiences (RG Hörschelmann16).
European Network for Environmental Citizenship (COST/EU; RG Hörschelmann16).
Response of Soil and Rhizosphere Microbial Communities to Long-Term Variability of Nearground Temperature and Soil Moisture in a Topography-Shaped Arctic-Alpine System, Norway (DFG; RG Löffler14)
Long-Term Alpine Ecosystem Research in the Scandes, Norway (LTAER-NO; RG Löffler)
Long-Term Alpine Ecosystem Research in the Sierra Nevada, Spain (LTAER-ES; RG Löffler14)
TUNDRA – Thresholds of Utilisation, Natural Self-Regulation, Degradation, and Regeneration in the Arctic (RG Löffler14)
Climate Variability and Growth Competition in an Arctic-Alpine EcosystemLong-Term Air Quality Monitoring Program, Geiranger Fjord, Norway (RG Löffler14)
Vegetation effects on catchment travel times: Integration of ecohydrological separation in the Storage Selection (SAS) function framework, Luxembourg (RG Klaus10)
Space-time patterns of tree water uptake at hillslopes with contrasting climate and geology, Luxembourg and Italy (RG Klaus10)
Tracing Rainfall through forest canopies Into catchments, Luxembourg (RG Klaus10)
- EarthShape 4a (Teilprojekt des DFG Schwerpunktprogramms SPP EarthShape, Chile, RG Schrott)37.
- HyPerm: Spatial occurrence and hydrological significance of Andean permafrost, Agua
Negra, Argentina (DFG, RG Schrott37). - One Health and Urban Transformation – recognizing risks, developing sustainable solutions (Brasilien / RG Evers22)
Internationalization - facts and figures
- Number of ERASMUS partner universities38: 44
- Number of international reasearch cooperation39: approx. 70
- International researchers (including scholarship recipients): approx. 22
- International degree programs: 1 (MSc in Environmental Risk and Human Security40)
- International mobility (outgoing students): approx. 80 per year
- Foreign students: approx. 90-120, including between 5 and 10 incoming Erasmus students per year

Dr. Simone Giertz
0.034 (110)
Meckenheimer Allee 166
53115 Bonn
Office hours
- During the semester: Tuesday 09.00 - 10.30 a.m.
- During the semester break: by appointment in the office or via Zoom41
Meeting-ID: 996 0524 4248
Identification Code: 037806