Dr. Adrian Almoradie
- Wasserressourcen und Hochwasserrisikomanagement und -planung
- Partizipative Ansätze
- Wechselwirkungen und Dynamik in Mensch-Wasser-Systemen
- Entscheidungsunterstützende Systeme
- Multikriterielle Entscheidungsmethoden
- Hydrologie-Hydrometrie und 1D/2D Hydrodynamik (pluviale und fluviale Überschwemmungen)
- Hydrologische, Grundwasser- und Hochwassermodellierung
- Geodateninfrastruktur und Zeitreihenstandards
- Fernerkundung
- Hydroinformatik
Sprechstunden: nach Absprache
2009 - 2014
Doktorat in Wasserwissenschaft und Ingenieurwesen, Spezialisierung Hydroinformatik UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education Westvest 7, Delft, Niederlande. Dissertation: Networked Environments for Stakeholder Participation in Water Resources and Flood Management
2008 - 2009
Spezialprogramm in Wasserwissenschaft und -technik, Spezialisierung Hydroinformatik UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education Westvest 7, Delft, Niederlande. Arbeitete am europäischen Vorprojekt FLOODsite
2006 - 2008
Master of Science in Water Science and Engineering, Spezialisierung Hydroinformatik UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education Westvest 7, Delft, Niederlande. Titel der Abschlussarbeit: Hyroinformatics Geo- referenced Tools and Web technologies for flood management.
Philippinisches Nationales Amt für Bauwesen, Cebu City, Philippinen. Professionelles Bauingenieurwesen.
1998 - 2003
Bachelor of Science in Bauingenieurwesen Universität von San Carlos-Technological Center, Nasipit, Talamban, 6000 Cebu City, Philippinen. Titel der Abschlussarbeit: Soil mapping of Nasipit Catchment, Talamban, Cebu City, Philippines
Noch keine Mitgliedschaften vorhanden
Zeitschrift Thema Vorstandsmitglied bei:
- Journal of Sustainability, MDPI
Peer reviewer bei:
- Journal of Water, MDPI
- Journal of Information, MDPI
- Journal of SN Applied Sciences, Springer Nature
- Journal of Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy
Almoradie, A.D.S., Houngue, N.R., Komi, K., Adounkpe, J., Evers, M. (2023): Transboundary Collaborative Modeling: Consensual Identification and Ranking of Flood Adaptation Measures - A Case Study in the Mono River Basin, Benin, and Togo. Sustainability 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151511728
Houngue, N.R., Almoradie, A.D.S., Thiam, S., Komi, K., Adounkpè, J.G., Begedou, K., Evers, M. (2023): Climate and Land-Use Change Impacts on Flood Hazards in the Mono River Catchment of Benin and Togo. Sustainability 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15075862e
Houngè, N.R., Almoradie, A.D.S., Evers, M. (2022): A Multi Criteria Decision Analysis Approach for Regional Climate Model Selection and Future Climate Assessment in the Mono River Basin, Benin and Togo. Atmosphere 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13091471
Thiam, S., Salas E.A.L, Houngue, N.R., Almoradie A.D.S., Verleysdonk, S. Adounkpe, J.G., K. Komi (2022): Modelling Land Use and Land Cover in the Transboundary Mono River Catchment of Togo and Benin Using Markov Chain and Stakeholder’s Perspectives. Journal of Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14074160
Wetzel, M., Schudel, L., Almoradie, A., Komi, K., Adounkpè, J., Walz, Y., M. Hagenlocher (2022): Assessing Flood Risk Dynamics in Data-Scarce Environments - Experiences from combining impact chains with Bayesian Network Analysis in the Lower Mono river basin, Benin. Frontiers in Water 4. doi: 10.3389/frwa.2022.837688/full
Evers, M., Almoradie, A., de Brito, M. M., Höllermann, B., Ntajal, J., Lumor, M., Bossa, A., Norman, C., Yira Yacouba, Y. Y.,J. H. Jean Hounkpe (2021): Flood risk management in Ghana: gaps, opportunities, and socio-technical tools for improving resilience, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12683, doi:/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12683
Hounguè, N. R., Ogbu K. N., Almoradie A., M. Evers (2021): Evaluation of the performance of remotely sensed rainfall datasets for flood simulation in the transboundary Mono River catchment, Togo and Benin. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100875
Evers, M., Taft, L., Zülich, M., A.Almoradie (2020): Alluvial farming in Ayeyarwady floodplains. Spatio-temporal dynamics of a complex human-water-system, EGU2020-19473
Yangouliba , G.I., Kwawuvi, D., A. Almoradie (2020): Suitable Land Assessment for Rice Crop in Burkina Faso Using GIS, Remote Sensing and Multi Criteria. Journal of Geographic Information System. doi: 10.4236/jgis.2020.126039 .
Almoradie, A., Brito, M. de, Evers, M., Bossa,A., Lumor, M., Norman, C., Yacouba, Y., J. Hounkpe (2020): Current flood risk management practices in Ghana: Gaps and opportunities for improving resilience. Journal of Flood Risk Management. doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12664 .
Almoradie, A., Brito M., M. Evers (2019): A conceptual framework: Citizen Science for flood early warning system (FEWS) and risk awareness A case study in Ghana. Conference Proceedings Tag der Hydologie 2019. KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany, 14(19), 123-128, doi: 10.14617/for.hydrol.wasbew.41.19
Brito, M.M., Almoradie, A., M. Evers (2019): Spatially-explicit sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in a MCDA-based flood vulnerability model. International Journal of Geographical Information Science doi:10.1080/13658816.2019.1599125
Evers, M., Almoradie A., M. M. Brito (2018): Enhancing Flood Resilience Through Collaborative Modelling and Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). in: Fekete A., und F. Friedrich: Urban Disaster Resilience and Security. Addressing Risks in Societies. Springer Journal, 221-236.
Brito M. M., Almoradie, A. und M. Evers, M. (2018): Spatially-explicit sensitivity analysis of criteria weights in GIS-based flood vulnerability assessment. Tag der Hydologie conference 2018. TU, Dresden, Germany.
García-Santos G., Brito M. M., Höllermann B., Taft L., Almoradie A. M. Evers (2018): Methodology to explore emergent behaviours of the interactions between water resources and ecosystem under a pluralistic approach. in: Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 379 (2018): 83 doi: 10.5194/piahs-379-83-2018
Evers, M., Höllermann, B., Almoradie, A., Taft, L., und Garcia-Santos, G. (2017): The pluralistic water research concept: A new human-water system research approach. Water 9, 933 doi: 10.3390/w9120933
Brito, M.M., Evers, M., Almoradie, A. (2017): Participatory flood vulnerability assessment: a multi-criteria approach. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. doi: 10.5194/hess-2017-368
Evers, M., Höllermann, B., Almoradie, A., Taft, L., und G. Garcia-Santos, G. (2017): The pluralistic water research concept – a new human-water system research approach. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19(EGU), 14371.
Evers, M., Höllermann, B., Almoradie, A. und L. Taft (2016): Benefits from a geographers' perspective on human-water systems -the waterscape concept. Geophysical Research Abstracts 18, EGU 2016-8402.
Evers, M., A. Jonoski, A. Almoradie und L. Lange (2016): Collaborative decision making in sustainable flood risk management: a socio-technical approach for participatory governance. In: Environmental Science and Policy, Vol 55. Seiten 335-344. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2015.09.009
Almoradie, A., und M. Evers (2016): Frameworks for participatory Water resources and Flood risk management. Tag der Hydologie conference 2016. Hochschule, Koblenz, Germany.
Evers, M., Jonoski, A., Almoradie, A. und L. Lange (2016): Collaborative decision making in sustainable floodrisk management: A soio-technical approach and tools for participatory governance. Environmental Science and Policy, 55, 335-344
Evers, M., Höllermann, B., Almoradie, A. und L. Taft (2016): Benefits from a geographers' perspective on human-water systems – the waterscape concept. Proceedings from the European GeoSciences Union conference 2016, Vol. 16, pp.15614. Vienna, Austria
Almoradie, A. (2014): Networked Environments for Stakeholder Participation in Water Resources and Flood Management. UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis, CRC Press, ISBN 9781138026377
Almoradie, A., Cortes, J. und A. Jonoski (2014): Web-based stakeholder collaboration in flood risk management. Journal of Flood Risk Management, doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12076
Almoradie, A., Jonoski, A., Stoica, F., Solomatine, D. und I. Popescu (2013): Web- based flood information system: case study of Somes Mare, Romania. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 12 (5),1065-1070.
Almoradie, A., Popescu, I., Jonoski, A. und D. Solomatine (2013): Web Based Access to Water Related Data Using OGC WaterML 2.0. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), EnviroGRIDS Special Issue on Building a Regional Observation System in the Black Sea Catchment", doi:10.14569/SpecialIssue.2013.030310
Almoradie, A., Jonoski, A., Stoica, F., Solomatine, D. und I. Popescu (2012): Web- based Flood Information System: Case study of Somes Mare, Romania. Proceedings from International Conference "ECOIMPULS 2012 - Environmental Research and Technology . Regional Business Center Timisoara, Romania.
Cortes, J., Almoradie, A., Jonoski, A. van Andel, S.J., Evers, M., Langue, L., Dinkneh, A., Maksimovic, C., Ochoa, S., Siḿoes, N., Wang, L., Osmani, S., und C. Makropoulos (2011): Flood risk management via collaborative modelling. Proceedings from the Computing and Control for the Water Industry Conference. University of Exeter, United Kingdom.
Almoradie, A., Jonoski, A., Xuan, Y. Gichamo, T. und D. Solomatine (2010): Web- based solutions for flood risk analysis, modelling and management. Proceedings from the 9th International Hydroinformatics Conference, Tianjin, China.
Evers, M., Almoradie, A. und A. Jonoski (2014): Web based collaborative decision making in flood risk management. Proceedings from the European GeoSciences Union conference 2014, Vol. 16, pp.15614. Vienna, Austria.
Evers, M., Almoradie, A. und A. Jonoski (2014): Web based collaborative decision making in flood risk management: Application of TOPSIS and visualisation techniques for ranking of alternatives. Poster- European Geo-Sciences Union conference 2014, Vol. 16, pp.15421. Vienna, Austria.
Evers, M., Almoradie, A. und F. Lichter (2014): e.Wa- an inter- and transdisciplinary e.laboratory for Water Research and Education. Poster Tag der Hydologie conference 2014. Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt statt Eichstätt, Germany.
Evers, M., Jonoski, A., Maksimović, Č., Lange, L., Ochoa, O., Teklesadik, A., Cortés, J., Almoradie, A., Simões, N. E., Wang, L., und C. Makropoulos (2012): Collaborative modelling for active involvement of stakeholders in urban flood risk management. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12, 2821-2842
Jonoski, A., Alfonso, L., Almoradie, A., Popescu, I., van Andel, S.J., und Z. Vojinovic (2012): Mobile Phone Applications in the Water Domain. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 11(5), 919-930
Jonoski, A., Almoradie, A., Khan, K., Popescu, I. und S.J. van Andel (2012): Google Android Mobile Phone Applications for Water Quality Information Management. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 15(4), pp. 1137-1149.
Jonoski, A., und A. Almoradie (2012): Web-based tools for collaborative flood risk management. Proceedings from the 10th International Hydroinformatics Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
Popescu, I., Almoradie, A. und A. Jonoski (2012): Environmental research in the Black Sea Catchment: Flood modelling case studies in Romania. Proceedings from BALWOIS conference 5th Conference on Water Climate and Environment. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Khan, K., Almoradie, A. und A. Jonoski, A. (2011): Integrated Web-Mobile Phone Application for Water Quality Monitoring and Alerting Services. Proceedings from the 3rd International Conference on Water and Flood Management. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Ochoa, S., Evers, M., Jonoski, A., Maksimovic, C., Almoradie, A., Cortes, J., Makropoulos, C., Dinkneh, A., Siḿoes, N., Wang, L., van Andel, S.J., und S. Osmani (2011): Enhancement of urban pluvial flood risk management and resilience through collaborative modelling: a UK case study. Proceedings from the 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Jonoski, A. und A. Almoradie (2010): Google Android mobile phone demonstration applications for water quality information dissemination. Proceedings from the 9th International Hydroinformatics Conference, Tianjin, China.
Jonoski, A., van Andel, S.J., Popescu, I. und A. Almoradie (2010): Distributed Information Systems Providing Localised Environmental Services for All: Case Study on Bathing Water Quality in The Netherlands. Proceedings from the BALWOIS Conference, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Jonoski, A., Popescu, I., Almoradie, A., und M. Mens (2009): Web-based flood management knowledge dissemination using Google Maps and Google Earth platforms. Proceedings from the 7th ISE and 8th International Hydroinformatics Conference, Chile.