The following poster contributions and presentations on current research were given by the research group:
Rainer Bell - "Ongoing response to the 2021 flood impact: the Müsch landslide (Ahr valley, Germany)"
Fabian Weidt (Master student supervised by Rainer Bell) - "Analyse räumlicher Muster und Einflussfaktoren extremer geomorphologischer Veränderungen infolge des Hochwasserereignisses im Ahrtal im Juli 2021"
Agostina Ortiz - "Andean permafrost in taluses and block- slopes in the Agua Negra Basin, Argentina – Detection and Distribution"
Melanie Stammler - "Pléiades and UAV imagery for rock glacier surface change detection (Agua Negra, Argentina)"
Tamara Köhler - "Geomorphological mapping and distribution modeling of potentially ice rich block- and talus slopes in the Dry Andes (Agua Negra, Argentina)"