
Geo-Medial: Translocal learning spaces

Geo-Medial provides new digital formats to improve teaching. Students and lecturers alike can find a wide range of productions on this portal, including reports, lectures, documentaries, podcasts, virtual excursions and much more. The aim of the Geo-Medial portal is to use digital media to develop translocal learning spaces and thus create virtual mobility and alternative opportunities for encounters within the context of university teaching.

With innovative digital forms of learning, Geo-Medial contributes to increasing the quality of teaching, supporting the exchange of modules between degree courses and thus making studies more diverse, flexible and international. The core idea of the project picks up on current experiences of distance learning and translates them into a future-oriented program of dialogical learning with a focus on issues relating to sustainability.

Geo-Medial is financially supported by the University of Bonn's Study and Teaching Strategy Fund and can draw on close collaboration with the Bonn-based United Nations University (UNU-EHS), the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences and various partner institutions in the Global South. Together, more than 100 different audio-visual products have already been created and will be successively integrated into this portal. It is therefore worth taking a regular look.

If you also have ideas for media productions, please get in touch with the Geo-Medial team to discuss and realize your project.

Filme und Podcasts für die Lehre

Media by subject and subject area

Here you will find formats produced by Geo-Medial sorted by subject area. Formats are only partially available in English.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.

Media by format

Here you will find outputs created by Geo-Medial sorted by media format. Formats are only partially available in English.


Avatar Augenstein

Dr. Patrick Augenstein

Avatar Hörschelmann

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Hörschelmann

Avatar Müller-Mahn

Prof. Dr. Detlef Müller-Mahn

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