10. May 2024

Researcher from Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania) visited Department of Geography Researcher from Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania) visited Department of Geography

Dr. Offoro Kimambo visited our department within the framework of the ERASMUS worldwide project.

From April 22-27, Dr. Offoro Kimambo visited our department within the framework of the ERASMUS worldwide project. Dr. Kimambo is a researcher at the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Sokoine University in Morogoro. His main research interests are climatology and hydrology.

Dr. Kimambo presenting his PhD research in the Master colloquium of Prof. Dr. Julian Klaus
Dr. Kimambo presenting his PhD research in the Master colloquium of Prof. Dr. Julian Klaus © Simone Giertz/GIUB
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During his stay in Bonn, Dr. Kimambo taught a course in the bachelor program (Advanced Physical Geography) of Katja Höreth and Dr. Pınar Pamukçu Albers. He also had the opportunity to present the results of his PhD thesis "Impacts of climate variability and hydrological modifications on blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) development in the Ngerengere catchment" in the Master colloquium of Prof. Julian Klaus.

The main focus of his stay was to establish new collaborations with different research groups at the Department. He had some fruitful discussions with different colleagues, especially with members of the research group "Eco-hydrology and water resources management" of Prof. Mariele Evers and with the ZFL coordinator Dr. Michael Schmidt.

Offoro Kimambo also visited our laboratories and the research site Gut Frankenforst. Dr. Pınar Pamukçu Albers and Katja Höreth took him on an excursion to show him some flood protection measures in Bonn.

We hope that this visit will lead to joint research projects between Sokoine University and the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn!

Dr. Kimambo visiting the laboratories at the Department of Geography, University of Bonn
Dr. Kimambo visiting the laboratories at the Department of Geography, University of Bonn © Simone Giertz/Uni Bonn
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