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The Erasmus+ Program enables students from the University of Bonn to spend one or two semesters studying abroad at a partner university elsewhere in Europe.

At the University of Bonn, Erasmus study placements are allocated by the Erasmus Departmental Coordinators in the various departments. The Erasmus Coordinator in the Department of Geography is Dr. Simone Giertz.

Applications and selection criteria

  • General information about application requirements
  • Bachelor’s degree program: students will need to have completed basic and advanced modules in physical and human geography by the time they leave to study abroad, which will ideally be in their fifth and sixth semester.
  • Master’s degree program: students can study abroad at any time, but preferably in their third semester.

  • ERASMUS summer term 2025
  • Application documents must be submitted by 16.06.2024 (to Dr. Giertz’s post box or
  • Application form (0,2 MB)
  • Brief curriculum vitae (in German) with photo
  • Explanation of your reasons for wanting to study at all your chosen host universities (one- to two-page letter of motivation in German).
  • Transcript of Records (from BASIS) (for first-semester Master’s students, Transcript of Records from their bachelor’s degree program)
  • Copy of proof of your language skills (Abitur certificate, language course certificate, DAAD language certificate, Language Learning Center placement test, official language tests (TOEFL, IELTS, DELF/DALF))
    You can read about our partner universities’ language requirements here.

First-hand reports from University of Bonn students can be found in the exchange database. More first-hand reports can be requested from the International Coordinator by email.


  • Periods of study abroad lasting three to twelve months
  • Financial support: mobility grant per month depending on country group
  • additional support for "diverse" life situations:
    • Disability (from degree of disabilty 20)
    • Chronic illness, in the course of which additional costs arise abroad
    • Going abroad with a child: An additional grant for studying abroad is awarded by the Family Office.
    • Working students/ doctoral candidates
    • First-time graduates (students/promoters whose parents or caregivers do not have a college or university degree).
  • "Green" Travel: If you choose not to travel by plane to your host country and instead travel by train, bus, carpool, or even bicycle, you will receive a flat-rate subsidy.
A hand holds several banknotes into the camera


European Countries


ERASMUS-Partner Universties


Outgoings (2019/20)

Partner universities

The Department of Geography currently has 44 partner universities.

A map of Europe with the Erasmus partner universities highlighted
© Martin Gref / GIUB

Partner universities of the Department of Geography

(information on partner universities only available in German)

  • Institut Francais Bonn

    The Institut Français in Bonn offers preparatory Erasmus courses and language courses at all levels in cooperation with the University of Bonn ( Additional one-to-one courses can also be arranged on request. Please contact Ms. Ketterer ( if you have any questions.

    Any students who are interested can also make use of the French media library (recent novels, DVDs, magazines, specialist literature) and the extensive program of cultural events (concerts, film evenings, public readings by authors, talks and debates in German and/or French).

Despite Brexit, Erasmus stays at our British partner universities can continue under the usual Erasmus conditions until the 2022/23 academic year. In other words, tuition fees are still waived and Erasmus funding is still available.


Avatar Giertz

Dr. Simone Giertz

International Coordinator

0.034 (110)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

Sprechstunden in den Semesterferien nur nach Vereinbarung! Keine Sprechstunde vom 20.07-10.08.24

Office hours

  • Tuesday: 09:00 am - 10.30 am
    at the office or via Zoom

Meeting-ID: 996 0524 4248
Identification Code: 037806

© European Commission

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The contents of this publication reflect only the views of the author; the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use made of the information which it contains.

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