On Wednesday, 29.03.2023, the final event of the participation process "Bonn4Future - Wir fürs Klima" took place at the Museum König. This marks the end of a more than two-year, comprehensive participation process, which contributes an important part of the measures for the climate-neutral city Bonn 2035. The working groups Urban and Regional Geography headed by Prof. Dr. C.-C. Wiegandt and Cultural Geography headed by Prof Dr. K. Hörschelmann have scientifically accompanied and evaluated the process together with Michael Lobeck (Büro promediare).
The final report (german) was presented in March to the process advisory board of Bonn4Future as well as to the participation committee of the city of Bonn and finally introduced to the Council.
We would like to thank all participants and dialogue partners for their insights and the exciting time we spent together.