Dr. Sarah Klosterkamp

LOverview of research topics, curriculum vitae as well as research projects and publications of Dr. Sarah Klosterkamp.

Research topics

  • Social geographic analyses of precarious forms of housing, poverty and inequality (esp. in the context of de-housing, displacement and forced evictions)
  • Geographies of Law / Legal Geographies
  • Court processes as an object of study in political geography 
  • Feminist Methods & Methodologies
  • Feminist Geopolitics

Insights into teaching projects

An insight into the results of the methods seminar in the summer semester 2021 can be found at the following link: lernlabor-visualstorymaps.info

Consultation hours

Consultation hours are held on Wednesdays from 11:00 to 12:30 (digital and face-to-face). Please book an appointment under this link. 


Sarah Klosterkamp has been part of the Social Geography research group at the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn since October 2020. She previously worked at the Institute of Geography at the University of Münster (2015-2020) and here on her dissertation on geographies of danger defense in the context of state protection processes against German Syria returnees* and Syrian refugees. In her new project as a PostDoc, she is working on various forms of urban displacement processes and de-tenancy, triggered and supported by the instrument of eviction lawsuits. She is also interested in issues of feminist methods and methodologies, as well as new forms of data visualization and story mapping. She has been spokesperson for the German-language working group "Feminist Geographies" since December 2019, and Vice-Chair of the Legal Geography Speciality Group in the US since April 2022. For the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn, she coordinates, among others, the project "StartStudy". The goal of the project is to increase the chances of access and success of refugees at German universities by providing them with important information and skills.

since 10/2020: Research assistant in the AG Social Geography (Prof. Nadine Marquardt) at the Department of Geography, University of Bonn.

01/2019-12/2020: Research assistant in the externally funded project: "Geographical constructions of space and identity in the context of Islamist terrorism - A political-geographical analysis of German state protection procedures in the context of the Syrian civil war" (funded by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, funding code: (director: Prof. Paul Reuber)

06/2015-12/2018: research assistant in the research group Political Geography/ Social Geography (Prof. Paul Reuber).

10/2012-09/2015: Studies of Political Science with the profile "Constitution and Decay of Political Order in Transnational Perspective" with the minors Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Leipzig - Degree: Master of Arts (Political Science, grade 1.1)

10/2006-09/2012: Studies of Geography and German Studies with the minors Education and Political Science, University of Münster - Degree: 2-subject Bachelor (German & Geography, Grade: 1,7) as well as Master of Education (Geography & German Studies, Grade 1,1)

06/2022: Visiting Lecturer at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Research at the University of Graz, Austria (funded by Erasmus+ program).

03/2019-04/2019: Study abroad and research stay in New York, Washington DC and Austin, USA (funded by the Graduate Center of WWU).

03/2018: Visiting fellow at the Feminist Geography Collective at the University of Texas at Austin, USA (funded by the Graduate Center of WWU).

08/2014-12/2014: Semester abroad at the College of Liberal Arts and Social Science at the University of Houston, USA (funded by PROMOS)

09/2009-10/2009: Stay at the National Mirzo Ulug`bek University Tashkent, Uzbekistan (funded by DAAD)

Academic networks, engagement and memberships

Board experience

Since 04/2022: Member of the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Bonn

Since 10/2021: Member of the examination board (Master of Science) of the Department of Geography at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn

10/2018-09/2020: Member of the Commission for Research and Young Scientists of the Department of Earth Sciences at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster

10/2016-09/2020: Member of the Departmental Council of Geosciences at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster for the status group of the academic mid-level faculty.


Klosterkamp, S., Pichl, M., & T. Petzold (2022): Rechtskämpfe und Ressourcen des Rechts aus geographischer  Perspektive. Geographische Zeitschrift, 110(4), [ahead of print].

Klosterkamp, S. (2021): Security, Mobility, and the Body – Syrian insurgent groups’ infrastructures and their geopolitical contestations through/by/in Legal Institutions. Political Geography, 84, 102301. doi: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2020.102301

Klosterkamp, S., Pichl, M., & T. Petzold: „Rechtskämpfe und Ressourcen des Rechts aus geographischer Perspektive.“ Geographische Zeitschrift [ahead of print].

Klosterkamp, S. (2022): Affectual Intensities: Toward a Politics of Listening in Court Ethnography. Gender, Place and Culture [online first]. doi: 10.1080/0966369X.2022.2089096

Klosterkamp, S. (2022): Unpacking the 'global' and the 'intimate' of anti-terrorism trials, Gender, Place & Culture, [online first], doi: 10.1080/0966369X.2022.2064835

Klosterkamp, S. (2021): Geographien des Ein- und Ausschlusses: Strafvollzug und Prozesse im Kontext der Aufarbeitung von Beteiligungshandlungen im syrischen Bürgerkrieg. Geographica Helvetica, 76(2), S. 205-209.doi: 10.5194/gh-76-205-2021

Klosterkamp, S. (2020): Security, Mobility, and the Body – Syrian insurgent groups’ infrastructures and their geopolitical contestations through/by/in Legal Institutions. Political Geography, 84 [online first]. doi: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2020.102301

Faria, C., Klosterkamp, S., Torres, R. & J. Walenta J (2020): Embodied exhibits: Towards a feminist geographic courtroom ethnography. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 110(4), S.1095-1113. doi: 10.1080/24694452.2019.1680233

Klosterkamp, S. & P. Reuber (2017): ‚Im Namen der Sicherheit' - Staatsschutzprozesse als Orte politisch-geographischer Forschung, dargestellt an Beispielen aus Prozessen gegen Kämpfer und UnterstützerInnen der Terrororganisation ‚Islamischer Staat'. Geographica Helvetica, 72 (3), S. 255-269. doi: 10.5194/gh-72-255-2017

Fraeser, N., Klosterkamp, S., Kühn J., Kuschinski, E. und T. Martens (2017): ‚We take the risk of hope'. Überlegungen zu akademischer (Reproduktions-)Arbeit im Anschluss an das Vernetzungstreffen ‚Feministische Geographien' in Hamburg. sub\urban. Zeitschrift für kritische Stadtforschung, 5 (3), S. 137-146. doi: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:101:1-201711249185

Flower, L. & S. Klosterkamp (Hrsg) (2023): Courtroom Ethnography: Exploring contemporary approaches, fieldworks and challenges. London: Palgrave [in preparation, contract signed].

Klosterkamp, S. & T. Petzold (Hrsg) (2023): Recht und Gerechtigkeit aus geographischer Perspektive. Special Issue, Geographische Zeitschrift (111/1) [ahead of print].                              

Klosterkamp, S. & T. Petzold (Hrsg) (2022): Recht und Gerechtigkeit aus geographischer Perspektive. Special Issue, Geographische Zeitschrift (110/4) [ahead of print].

Klosterkamp, S. (Hrsg.) (2022): Mietklagen, Nachbarschaftskonflikte und Laienrichter*innen - auf Spurensuche global-intimer Geographien der Justiz. Feministische GeoRundmail, 90. 

Klosterkamp, S. (2021): Politische Geographien staatlicher Gefahrenabwehr - Eine Analyse von Staatsschutzprozessen im Kontext des Syrienkriegs. Dissertationsschrift, ULB Münster, Münster.

Autor*innenkollektiv Geographie & Geschlecht (2021): Handbuch Feministische Geographien. Arbeitsweisen und Konzepte. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich.

Klosterkamp, S. & A. Vorbrugg (Hrsg.) (2020): Feminist research practice in geography: Snapshots, reflections and concepts. Feministische GeoRundmail, 83. Online abrufbar hier.

Klosterkamp, S. & E. Militz (Hrsg.) (2018): Feministische Politische Geographie. Feministische GeoRundmail, 75. Online abrufbar hier.

Klosterkamp, S. (2022): Story Mapping. In: Noethen, E. und V. Schreiber (Hg.): Transformative Geographische Bildung. Heidelberg: Springer. [ahead of print].

Griffith, C., Klosterkamp, S., Cantor, A. & A. Kocher (2022): Legal Geography In: Demeritt, D. and L. Lees (Eds.). Concise Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elgar Encyclopedias in the Socuak Sciences [ahead of print].

Hutta, J., Klosterkamp, S., Marquardt, N. & S. Laketa (2021): Emotionen und Affekte. In: Autor*innenkollektiv Geographie & Geschlecht (Hrsg.): Handbuch Feministische Geographien. Arbeitsweisen und Konzepte. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich, S. 215-238.

Vorbrugg, A., Klosterkamp, S. & VE Thompson (2021): Feldforschung als soziale Praxis. Ansätze für ein verantwortungsvolles und feministisch inspiriertes Forschen. In: Autor*innenkollektiv Geographie & Geschlecht (Hg.): Handbuch Feministische Geographien. Arbeitsweisen und Konzepte. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich, S. 76-96. 

Mürlebach, M., Fraeser, N., Golke, J., Isselstein, E., Klosterkamp, S., Lorenzen, K. & A. Vogelpohl (2017): Von Reflexivität, Unplanbarkeit und Kollektivität im Forschungsprozess: Lasst uns die Unzulänglichkeiten der eigenen Arbeit solidarisch besprechen! Feministische GeoRundmail, 72, S. 22-24. Online abrufbar hier.

Gezer, Ö., Klosterkamp, S. & T. Neshitov: „Mami, schick mal Geld". DER SPIEGEL, 23/2021, 60-68. Available online here

Content Overview and Relevance:
What does it do to parents when their children become IS terrorists? Sarah Klosterkamp attended six years of trials against Syrian returnees and evaluated them for her doctoral thesis. The case of the S. family stood out from the crowd because, for the first time, parents who supported their children in the war were in the dock. They helped them procure weapons and equipment for the "Islamic State" in Syria, where the two held high positions. Together with SPIEGEL reporters Özlem Gezer and Timofey Neshitov, Klosterkamp sifted through nearly 60,000 pages of files. The team read interrogations and wiretap transcripts, evaluated expert opinions and bank statements in order to trace the system that had led to this indictment. They sat for many hours in the father's living room in Cologne and talked to him. He showed them his diaries, family photos, mails and messages that his sons had written to him, photos and videos of his visit to Syria. The team also researched the family's surroundings, visited a former employer and a Cologne pensioner who had adopted the mother in the meantime. The team met almost only interlocutors who were not aware of any guilt.

Gezer, Ö.; Haidar, A. & S. Klosterkamp: „Der Vater der Wölfe". DER SPIEGEL, 32/2017, 58-63. Available online here

Content Overview and Relevance:
Abo Dieb enters Germany in 2015 as one of hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. He is assigned to the city of Münster and lives there for some time. Then it turns out: he is alleged to have tortured and killed people in Syria - people like Abo Abdo. A few months later, a German judge sits in front of them and tries to understand what happened in this distant war that these two men brought with them, to the Europe they praised, to his courtroom. The story of these two Syrians is one that has always existed in every war, in Rwanda, in the Congo, in Yugoslavia, in the Third Reich, where perpetrators and victims fled along the same paths and to the same countries. Yet war crimes have rarely been tried in recent decades because evidence is hard to come by or victims are impossible to find. This story is the first major documentary on war crimes that have occurred in Syria in recent years and are now the subject of court cases in Germany. Özlem Gezer, Asia Haidar and Sarah Klosterkamp embarked on a journey across Europe for this story. They sifted through 36,000 wiretapped phone calls and more than 20,000 pages of investigative files and court transcripts. These materials show that there are no clear-cut perpetrators and victims in this context, but that the boundaries are fluid.

Own third-party funds raised, scholarships & awards

06/2022-05/2024: Argelander Starter Kit Research Grant (B) for "Geographien sozialer Ungleichheit am Beispiel von Räumungsklagen", University of Bonn (funding volume: 23,900 €).

06/2022: Erasmus Teaching Mobility, University of Graz, Austria (funded by Erasmus+, funding amount: 2,471 €).

04/2019: Awarded the "Graduate Student Paper Award" by the Legal Geography Speciality Group (LGSG) of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) in Washington D.C. (100 Dollar).

03/2019-04/2019: Study abroad and research stay in New York, Washington D.C. and Austin, USA (funded by the Graduate Center of WWU Münster, funding amount: 4,832 €).

09/2018: Travel grant for conference participation at the RGS-IBG in Cardiff (funded by the Women's Advancement Program of WWU Münster, funding amount: 1,123.45 €)

04/2018: Nomination for the Nannen Prize shortlist for "Der Vater der Wölfe" (DER SPIEGEL 32/2017) (together with Ö. Gezer & A. Haider)

03/2018: Visiting fellow at the Feminist Geography Collective, University of Texas at Austin, USA (funded by the Graduate Center of WWU Münster, funding volume: 3,841 €).

08/2014-12/2014: Semester abroad at the University of Houston, USA (DAAD, funded by PROMOS)

09/2009-10/2009: Visiting scholarship at the National Mirzo Ulug'bek University Tashkent, Uzbekistan (funded by DAAD, funding volume: 1.400 €)

11/2012: Award of the Department of Geosciences of the Westfälische Wilhelm-University Münster due to "excellent examination results" and the master thesis on "Armutsdarstellungen in Bildungsmedien" (500 €) 

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