Björn Both

Research focus and interests

  • Analysis of runoff time series
  • Flood regulation of watercourses as an ecosystem service
  • Analysis of heavy rainfall events including effects and adaptation measures
  • Analysis and processing of geodata in GIS
  • Statistical analyses (R)
  • Geostatistics

Teaching at University Bonn

  • Advanced physical geography
  • 1-day field trips physical geography
Avatar Both

M.Sc. Björn Both

0.056 (311) im Turm

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Since february: Research-Assistant at Department of Geography, University of Bonn

2021 - 2023: Studies of Geography at the University of Bonn (M.Sc.)
"Analysis of floodplain changes with effect on flood retention in selected river-floodplain segments of the Lippe."

2018 - 2021: Studies of Geography at the University of Bonn (B.Sc.)
"GIS analysis of the hydromorphological changes of the Rhine and their effects on the floodplains between Neuburg am Rhein and Sondernheim since 1817."

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