RG Cultural Geography

Research group Prof. Hörschelmann - Cultural Geography

In our research group „Cultural Geography“ we are interested in exploring connections between space and place, politics, culture and society. We focus on two main themes: 1) „Entangled geographies of (in)security“ and 2) „Diversity, migration and belonging in Europe“.

Central to the first theme are the multiple dimensions of human security, how they intersect, how they play out across connected contexts and scales and how they are negotiated by diverse social actors. We examine particularly the multiscalar intersections of geopolitical (in)security with the social and personal (in)securities experienced and (co)produced by diverse social actors across different spheres of everyday life. The second theme concerns questions of identity, belonging and participation in migration societies. Our research here is centrally concerned with the contributions that cultural geography can make to understanding social inclusion and exclusion in Europe.

Gruppenbild der Arbeitsgruppe Kulturgeographie.
© Friederike Pauk/GIUB


Kreative Lehre
© Munaf Al-Dalaimi


Bonn for Future Forschung - flatternde Feedback Blätter bei einem Forschungsworkshop
© Kathrin Hörschelmann/GIUB



Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Kathrin Hörschelmann/GIUB

Geo-Medial – Translocal learning spaces

The project aims to improve teaching in several geography and agriculture courses through innovative digital formats and new forms of learning.

Recent Research

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Kathrin Hörschelmann/GIUB

Humanities in the European Research Area - HERA

The project investigates the role that arts and cultural initiatives play in the lives of refugee youth and their engagements with public space.


Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Juliane Dame / GIUB

Participation Process
„Bönnsche Viertel“

The RG Cultural Geography, together with the office Promediare is part of the evaluation team for this participation process for the traffic turnaround in two pilot districts of Bonn.

Lecture Series

As part of the Research Group, we have conceived an international Lecture Series, which we hope will deepen our exchange on these topics and expand our conceptual repertoire. We would like to give our Lecture Series a format that - beyond an exciting series of lectures - creates a forum for students, academics and teachers to engage in exchange and networking. We see it as a dialogical format that connects the Institute of Geography at the University of Bonn not only with other disciplines, but also with local partners in practice.

© Colourbox.de/Syda Productions
New Publication: Urban Nature - New Directions for City Futures with the cooperation of Prof. Kathrin Hörschelmann11
In Collaboration with Prof. Kathrin Hörschelmann the textbook “Urban Nature” has been published by Cambridge University Press. The book deals with current issues of urban transformation with regard to urban natural conditions and offers a clear insight into the topic for students of geography, urban and environmental research, illustrated by practical examples. 
Workshop "Critical Approaches to Militarisation and Space" held successfully12
The workshop "Critical Approaches to Militarisation and Space" was held successfully. The workshop took place from 20-21 March in Leipzig and offered an international field of participants the opportunity for scientific exchange and networking.
New Publication: „No farmers, no food!“ Agriculture in India between agrarian crisis and economic liberalisation13
Together with Dr. Anika Trebbin from the Thünen Institute our colleague Dr. Juliane Dame has published an article in Geographische Rundschau. The article looks at the farmer protests in India in 2020/21 and the challenges that Indian farmers are still facing.
New Publication: Challenges for Local Water Governance in Central-Southern Chile14
Together with Heidelberg geographer Dr. Johanna Höhl, our colleague Dr. Juliane Dame has published an article on the governance of water use conflicts in three different regions in southern Chile.

Contact Information

Avatar Hörschelmann

Kathrin Hörschelmann

1.004 (213)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

Avatar Oltmanns

Kirsten Oltmanns

1.006 (212)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

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