Cheap Roses - Lecture on the Flower Industry at Lake Naivasha, Kenya
In this lecture, Dr. Andreas Gemählich talks about market dynamics and the reorganisation of the cut flower industry at Lake Naivasha in Kenya. Dr. Gemählich starts with the dynamics between the market entry of corporate retail chains and the cut flower industry at Lake Naivasha. The local as well as the global scale and the socio-ecological surroundings are looked at. Furthermore, the workings of the flower industry and the Dutch production are investigated, whereby the market swifted to Africa over the last years. The second part of the video follows a discussion on this basis.
Cheap Roses - Lecture on the Flower Industry at Lake Naivasha, Kenya
Bild © Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn / YouTube
Lake Naivasha, Kenya, Africa, Netherlands, roses, cut flowers, flower market, flower industry, agriculture, ecology, retail chains
55 Min
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Patrick Augenstein
Britta Klagge
Geographisches Institut de Universität Bonn (GIUB)
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