19. July 2024

Gender sensitivity and protection against violence on excursions Gender sensitivity and protection against violence on excursions

The Violence Protection Working Group has developed a guideline for dealing with gender sensitivity and violence protection in courses with overnight stays, which will initially be implemented for one year from the summer semester 2025. 

Gewaltschutz am GIUB
Gewaltschutz am GIUB © Anna Schoch-Baumann/GIUB
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The Department of Geography (GIUB) is firmly committed to a respectful, non-discriminatory environment. A guideline and a website on the topic of protection against violence, developed by the working group on protection against violence under the leadership of study program manager Andrea Frei, offer assistance and contact persons. This working group has now developed guidelines for dealing with gender sensitivity and protection against violence in courses with overnight stays, which have been approved by the GIUB Board for a trial period of one year.

The following models were adopted for courses with overnight stays in order to ensure protection against violence and gender sensitivity:

Model A - Group model: Choice of two contact persons of different gender identities from the group of participants; the lecturer is credited with the workload.
Model B - Accompanying model: Led by a lecturer, accompanied by a SHK who is not a regular participant in the excursion, or a project employee with a different gender identity to the lecturer, travel costs are offset against the institute grant; the lecturer is credited with the contribution.
Model C - Lecturer model: Leading by two lecturers of different gender identities, costs for the lecturers are offset against the institute's grant, teaching load is shared.

The decision is initially valid for one year on a trial basis (summer semester 2025 to summer semester 2026).

We look out for each other and support each other. All members of the University of Bonn are called upon to work towards respectful cooperation. In the event of incidents, Andrea Frei at the GIUB offers support as the first point of contact.

Andrea Frei - Study program manager

Meckenheimer Allee 166
53115 Bonn
Room 112

Office hours: Thu, 9:30 – 11:00 am and by appointment

Phone: 0228 / 73-4605
Email: frei@uni-bonn.de

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