Research group Prof. Schrott - Geomorphology and Environmental Systems

The Geomorphology and Environmental Systems Research Group focuses on mountain permafrost, sediment budgets, natural hazards and risks, late and post-glacial landscape evolution, and Global Environmental change.

Groupphoto of the Research group
© Friederike Pauk/GIUB


Prof. Schrott talking to students about glaciers.
© Nico Wagner


DGPS equipment in the field
© Till Wenzel/GIUB


Scientific exchange at the DGGM 2024

AG Schrott attends the 50th annual conference of the German Society for Geomorphology (DGGM) in Leipzig

The 50th annual conference of the German Society for Geomorphology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie, DGGM) took place in Leipzig from October 9 to 12 under the theme ‘Legacies and emerging fields in Geomorphology’. The conference was dedicated to the broad research spectrum on geomorphological archives, forms and processes on different spatial and temporal scales. The programme consisted of numerous talks and poster contributions on current and future research topics, networking events and two post-conference field trips around Leipzig. Among the participants were Master's and PhD students as well research associates of the ‘Geomorphology and Environmental Systems’ research group headed by Prof Lothar Schrott to present their research:

  • Presentation by Melanie Stammler on „Vertical and horizontal surface change detection on Dos Lenguas rock glacier (Argentina): understanding potential permafrost degradation in the Dry Andes“
  • Presentation by Ikram Zangana on „Semi-Automatic Mapping of Forest-Covered Landslides Using Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (Jena, Germany)“
  • Poster contributions:
    • Manon Cramer „Subsurface pattern and potential permafrost content of block- and talus slopes in the upper Agua Negra catchment, Argentina“
    • Dr. Rainer Bell and Dr. Anna Schoch-Baumann „Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Moisture Monitoring on the Müsch Landslide (Ahr valley, Germany)“
    • Melanie Stammler „ Object-based mapping of cold-climate aeolian sand dunes in the European Arctic “
    • Tamara Köhler „Deciphering cryospheric water contributions in the Dry Andes (Agua Negra, Argentina)

The DGGM is a forum of German geomorphologists and is committed to promoting geomorphological research, networking and awareness in science, teaching and public. It is specifically committed to the promotion of young scientists and students specialising in geomorphology: DGGM – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie e.V.



The University of Bonn attends the second EUMA Specialised Workshop in Vienna

On July 3-4, the EUMA ("Creating an EUropean Higher Education Network for MAster’s Programmes in Disaster Risk Management") project leader, the University of Vienna, hosted the second Specialised Workshop on 'Natural Hazards and Risks within Disaster Risk Management'.
Representatives from EUMA partner institutions, along with DRM professionals and policy makers, joined both in-person and online. Dr. Rainer Bell and Everjoy Chiimba represented the University of Bonn. By discussing relevant topics of the EUMA Master’s programme and considering past, present and future trends in natural disaster management, the workshop will contribute to the development of the EUMA curriculum.

RG Schrott takes part in the 12th International Conference on Permafrost in Whitehorse, Canada

Between June 16th and 20th, the 12th International Conference on Permafrost took place in the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre in Whitehorse, Canada. The overarching theme for this year's ICOP, "Integrating Perspectives of Permafrost Thaw, Change, and Adaptation," timely underscored the urgency for a comprehensive understanding of climate change impact on permafrost and the necessity to develop adaption strategies based on robust science.

The International Conference on Permafrost takes place every 4 years. It is organized by the International Permafrost Association in collaboration with local partners. With 400 to 1000 participants, depending on the location, it is a nexus for the global permafrost community.

Bringing together experts from the global community as well as hosting the fields of science and engineering, the conference together with its workshops and fieldtrips offered an enriching and unforgettable experience to all research group members that attended.

Three members of the AG Schrott attended presented their research to the virtual and onsite conference audience:

  • Full conference paper and oral presentation by Melanie Stammler
    Vertical surface change signals of rock glaciers: combining UAV- and Pléiades imagery (Agua Negra, Argentina).

  • Full conference paper and oral presentation by Tamara Köhler
    Underestimated permafrost landforms - block- and talus slope distribution in the Dry Andes of Argentina.

  • Two poster presentations by Diana Agostina Ortiz (no doi, please contact her for more information)
    1) Mountain permafrost in taluses and blockslopes in the Agua Negra Basin (Argentina) - towards a quantification using geophysics.
    2)Advantages of different electrical resistivity tomography arrays for mountain permafrost mapping in the Dry Andes of Argentina.

Text by Melanie Stammler

University of Bonn hosts EUMA Stakeholder Workshop

The EUMA team ("Creating an EUropean Higher Education Network for MAster’s Programmes in Disaster Risk Management") hosted a successful hybrid Kick-off Stakeholder Meeting on June 3rd 2024. The workshop brought together key local and international stakeholders to share their invaluable knowledge and experience, focusing on the needs and demands for the education of future disaster managers. Led by Prof. Lothar Schrott and Dr. Rainer Bell and supported by Everjoy Chiimba, Marie Weil and Christina Páez Maletz, the workshop was filled with lively discussions, including a comprehensive SWOT analysis on the current educational landscape of disaster managers. Participants also assessed essential and desirable skills for a (future) disaster risk manager. The results of the Kick-off meeting will contribute to the development of the EUMA curriculum.

Contact us

Avatar Schrott

Lothar Schrott

Head of research group

0.028 (153)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Avatar Verron

Verena Verron

+49 228 73-3689

+49 228 73-9099

Management & Administration

0.027 (152)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

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