Annabelle Houdret, senior researcher at the German Development Institute (IDOS) and speaker of the BonnWaterNetwork opened the event and Saravanan Subramanian (senior researcher, IDOS) introduced the topic with a presentation on “Urban Flood Resilience: Challenges from Pluvial and Fluvial Risk”. A panel with four flood experts then discussed lessons-learned from activities around the world: Rabia Chaudhry, Assistant Professor at the Centre for Public Policy & Governance, Forman Christian College, Lahore/ Pakistan explained how politics influence the urban flood governance in Lahore. Julia Feth (Department for City Cartography and Geoinformation, city of Bonn) explained how a new 3D-model for flood simulation in Bonn helps increasing resilience. Pierpaolo Campostrini, Focal Point of UNDRR campaign "Making Cities Resilient" for the city of Venice (TBC), introduced the simulation model used in the Venice lagoon system, and Georg Johann, Managing Director of the Flood Competence Center/ HochwasserKompetenzCentrum e.V., explained how citizen empowerment for instance by using the "Floodlabel" can increase resilience towards pluvial and fluvial floods. David Jacome-Polit, Acting head of the Resilient Development Team at ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability and former City Resilience Officer of the city of Quito/ Ecuador, wrapped up the event.
24. Januar 2024
The Urban Water Challenge Debate on urban resilience in the face of increasing extreme water events and especially floods
How can flood modelling and citizen mobilization support urban resilience?
Together with the city of Bonn as a United Nations’ Making Cities Resilient 2030 hub, and ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability), the BonnWaterNetwork organized a lively debate on flood prevention and management. Participants highlighted the opportunities for cities to model flood and heavy rain scenarios and increase flood resilience through socio-political, physical, and environmental measures.
The Urban Water Challeng group photo.png
- Speakers of the Event "The Urban Water Challenge"
© Annabelle Houdret, IDOS
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