Bonn Network - International Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction (Trailer, deutsche Untertitel)
This video introduces the "Bonn Network - International Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction" (dt. Bonner Netzwerk Internationaler Katastrophenschutz und Risikomanagement). Xiaomeng Shen (Headmaster of the UNU Institute of environment and human security), Katja Dörner (mayor of Bonn), Lothar Schrott (Professor at the Department of Geography), Neysa Setiadi (project management and quality assurance at Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.), Jochen Stein (Fire Department Bonn) and Bärbel Kofler (comissioner for human rights policy and humanitarian aid) discuss and explain the importance of a network between science, politics and organizations to reduce the risk of disasters.
DKKV Trailer (deutsche Untertitel)
Bild © Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn / YouTube
network, risk, disaster, un, security, introduction, international, protection, Bonn
3 Min
EN (DE Untertitel)
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Patrick Augenstein
Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB)
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