Geographisches Quartett - Episode 2
For the second time, the ‘Geographical Quartet’ talk show organised by Geo-Medial took place in the Botanical Garden of the University of Bonn, this time on the topic of ‘Global Crises, Drought and Ecosystem Restoration’. The invited talk show guests were: Gesche Schifferdecker, Head of Communications at the European Forest Institute (EFI); Dr Daniel Tsegai, Head of the Drought Division at the United Nations Secretariat (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification - UNCCD); Prof Dr Melanie Brunn, visiting professor and geographer at the University of Koblenz, and Julian Wagenknecht, student at the University of Bonn and activist with Extinction Rebellion. In the exciting 90-minute discussion, which also involved the audience, the topics of drought, ecosystem restoration and the cascading effects of global crises were brought into relation with each other and examined from different (disciplinary) perspectives.
Geographisches Quartett - Episode 2
Bild © Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn / YouTube
Geographisches Quartett, Geographical Quartet, Botanical Garden, Botanischer Garten, talkshow, global crises, drought, ecosystem restoration, climate change
1 h 16 Min
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Lizzy Geble, Hanna Schmid, Lina Corzelius, Patrick AugensteinCopyright
Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB)
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