Ghost projects - Ruined Futures and the Promises of Development
The speakers on this panel talk about ghost projects. The topic adresses a paradox: development promises a better future, but its outcome may be exactly the opposite. The visible and invisible traces of failed, incomplete or collapsed developments are everywhere - that is what is called ghost projects. Dr. Theo Aalders talks about the invisible horror of infrastructure projects, Dr. Jonathan Gez speeks about tracing the afterlives of development, Dr. Ronald Ndesanjo and Dr. Linda Engström explore cancelled land grabs in Tanzania, Elisabeth Schubinger deals with Turkana's extractive promise in limbo, Emma Minja talkes about delayed futures on the example of the Nyerere Dam in Tanzania, Dr. Christopher Schulz investigates the World Commission on Dams and the future of large dams and Prof. Magnus Treiber takes a closer look at mines, tramways and alcohol - the German study syndicate for Abyssnia.
Ghost Projects - Ruined Futures and the Promises of Development
Bild © Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn / YouTube
Development, ghost projects, future, Africa, infrastructure, land grabbing, dams, mines, tramways, ethnology, hydropower, communities, future making, transformation, land use, environmental history
1 h 30 Min
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Patrick Augenstein, Detlef Müller-Mahn
Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB)
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