India - In Search for Sustainability (Trailer)
The Indian state of Assam is located at the eastern end of India, between Bhutan, China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. This eastern Himalayan region has lost 10% of its forest cover since the 2000s due to the increasing conversion of primary natural forests to agricultural plots, and the invasion of exotic species that thrive at the expense of native vegetation. The result is a decline in the health of natural ecosystems, which can be seen in terms of soil degradation, the progression of land desertification, and the depletion of water tables. In this context, holistic reforestation strategies are implemented through individuals, NGOs and government entities. Different agroforestry approaches aim at valorizing biological resources from the land, aiming at a circular bioeconomy transformation. This is the trailer to a longer film which follows the journey of Sangita, a young Indian botanist, her encounters and her discoveries of her country's environmental challenges and recovery.
India - In Search for Sustainability (Trailer)
Bild © Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn / YouTube
India, Himalaya, Forest, Deforestation, Reforestation, Environment, Ecosystems, EcosystemRestoration, Desertification, Soil Degradation, NGO, Circular Bioeconomy, Transformation, Agroforestry
1 Min
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Patrick AugensteinCopyright
Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB), European Forestry Institut, Reforest Action, Balipara Foundation, SEE-International, Circular Bioeconomy Alliance
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