Isotope Hydrology in New Zealand and the Pacific - Dr. Bruce Dudley

Isotope Hydrology in New Zealand and the Pacific - Dr. Bruce Dudley



Isotopes of water provide a window into otherwise invisible aspects of the water cycle including sub-surface hydrological pathways and sources of water to trees. In the first part of this talk, Dr. Bruce Dudley (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) New Zealand) describes application of isotope mixing models to map impacts of invasive trees on water and nutrient cycles. Secondly, he illustrates how dual-isoptope techniques can be used to examine water sources for shrubs and how simultaneous measurement of sapflow can add support to inferences made using isotopes. In the final part, he discusses the use of stable isotopes in national-scale hydrology. This work has requires to set up networks of precipitation and river water isotope collections across New Zealand, of which the development of national isotope maps (isoscapes) is an important part. As a conclusion, Dr. Dudley will briefly discuss future applications of this work.

Isotope Hydrology in New Zealand and the Pacific - Dr. Bruce Dudley


Mittwochs im GIUB, isotopes, isotope hydrology, isoscapes, New Zealand, water cycle


40 Min



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Patrick Augenstein


Geographisches Institut de Universität Bonn (GIUB)

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