Sustainability of coastal forests - Prof. Richard Keim

Sustainability of coastal forests - Prof. Richard Keim



In this lecture, Prof. Richard Keim from the Lousiana State University talks about the sustainability of coastal forests in the delta of the Mississippi River in the face of sea-level rise. He introduces the Mississippi in historical flood context and explains the physical and ecologic processes, like sediment accumulation, in and at a river-delta and why especially New Orleans is in no good position if the sea level rises. Furthermore, he points out the transition of the coastal forest system and its condition due to higher flooding. Prof. Keim also presents methods of measuring the health of forests, like crownscore or the BAI, and the two paths of coastal forests in the future.

Sustainability of coastal forests - Prof. Richard Keim


delta, mississippi, coastalforests, forests, sustainability, sealevel, sealevelrise, crownscore, methods, future, climatechange LSU, neworleans, flooding, salinity, sediments, processes, ecology


38 Min



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Patrick Augenstein


Geographisches Institut de Universität Bonn (GIUB)

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