01. März 2023

New book “Refugee Youth” is out now! - co-edited by Prof. Dr. Kathrin Hörschelmann and Dr. Elisabeth Kirndörfer New book “Refugee Youth” is out now! - co-edited by Prof. Dr. Kathrin Hörschelmann and Dr. Elisabeth Kirndörfer

The book “Refugee Youth - Migration, Justice and Urban Space” is out now and available to order. The book was co-edited by Prof. Dr. Kathrin Hörschelmann and Dr. Elisabeth Kirndörfer.

Book Cover Refugee Youth
Book Cover Refugee Youth © Matthias De Backer
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The book “Refugee Youth - Migration, Justice and Urban Space” is out now and available to order1. The book was edited by two members of the Department of Geography, Prof. Dr. Kathrin Hörschelmann and Dr. Elisabeth Kirndörfer, as well as by their colleagues and research partners Mattias De Backer (Liege, Belgium), Peter Hopkins (Newcastle, UK), Ilse van Liempt (Utrecht, Netherlands), Robin Finlay (Newcastle, UK), Mieke Kox (Rotterdam, Netherlands) and Matthew C. Benwell (Newcastle. UK).

The anthology is the result of the HERA-funded project on "Everyday Experiences of Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Public Space”. In this project the participants explore the issue of refugee youth, public space and integration in Europe. They answer questions about the role that arts and cultural initiatives play in the lives of refugee youth and their engagements with public space. They also focus on refugee youth’s stories of home-making, their interaction with arrival structures and their negotiations of inclusion and exclusion in public spaces. In doing so, the participants consider refugee youth’s migration histories as well as new spaces for urban citizenship, how these emerge in the city and the role these play in European integration.

More information on this project is available on the project website.2

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