Prof. Dr. Kathrin Hörschelmann

Professorin für Kulturgeographie

Forschungsgruppenleiterin AG Kulturgeographie

Lehr- und Forschungsbereiche

Meine Forschungs- und Lehrinteressen konzentrieren sich auf geografische Aspekte von Vielfalt, Identität, Staatsbürgerschaft und (Un-)Sicherheit in einer vernetzten und ungleichen Welt. Ich beschäftige mich insbesondere mit Alltagserfahrungen und geografischen Vorstellungen von (Un-)Sicherheit und Gewalt und wie diese mit geopolitischer (Un-)Sicherheit zusammenhängen. In diesem Arbeitsbereich konzentriere ich mich besonders auf die vielfältigen Erfahrungen junger Menschen, ihre (geo)politischen Agenturen und die sozialräumlichen und kulturellen Identitäten von Jugendlichen.

Weitere Themen meiner Forschung und Lehre sind Geographien des Lebenslaufs, kulturgeographische Fragen der Migration, feministische Geographien, Partizipation in der Nachhaltigkeitsgovernance und die soziokulturelle Transformation ehemals staatssozialistischer Staaten.

Neben Fachmodulen und Projektseminaren in diesen Bereichen biete ich auch Exkursionen zur Kulturlandschaft und Romantisierung des Rheins ("Mythos Rhein") sowie zur translokalen Ortsbildung in England ("Translokales England") an.

Avatar Hörschelmann

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Hörschelmann

1.004 (213)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Affiliation 1: GIUB
Affiliation 2: AG Kulturgeographie
Affiliation 3: TRA6


in Präsenz im Geographischen Institut, Meckenheimer Allee 166, oder via zoom. Montags 14:00-15:40 Uhr. Bitte in dieser Tabelle eintragen

Curriculum Vitae

2015 - 2020: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde Leipzig (BRD), Abteilung Theorie, Methoden und Geschichte der Geographie, Forschungsbereich: Produktionen von Raum: Staat und Gesellschaft (bis 2018); Forschungsgruppe: Geographies of Belonging and Difference (seit 2019)

2018 - 2019: Vertretungsprofessur für Sozialgeographie (W2), Institut für Geographie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (BRD)

2011 - 2015: Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Durham (UK)

2013 - 2014: Gastwissenschaftler, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde Leipzig (BRD)

2004 - 2011: Dozentin B, Fachbereich Geographie, Universität Durham (UK)

1999 - 2004: Lehrbeauftragter/Senior Lecturer, Fakultät für Geographie, Universität Plymouth (UK)

1995 - 1999: Doktorandin, School of Geography, University of Bristol (UK)

  • Kritische und feministische Sicherheitsstudien
  • Staatsbürgerschaft und Partizipation in Bezug auf den (geo-)politischen Raum
  • Geographien der Kindheit und Jugend
  • Sozialer und kultureller Wandel in postsozialistischen Gesellschaften
  • Kulturgeographien der Migration und des sozialen Wandels
  • Emotionale Geographien

  • Einführung in die "Neue Kulturgeographie"
  • Aufbauseminar Humangeographie
  • Kolloquium zur Bachelorarbeit
  • Kolloquium zur Masterarbeit
  • B13 Seminar zur BA Arbeit ÜVI - Mo 10 - 12 Uhr
  • B 12 Projektseminar Inklusion für nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung ÜVI - Mo 12-16h
  • M7 Critical Security Studies: Geometries of Power and the Missing Subjects and Spaces of (In)security and Risk ÜVIII (MA 176) Di 14 – 16 Uhr
  • M9 Kolloquium zur Masterarbeit ÜVIII (MA 176) Mi 12-14 Uhr
  • B10 7-Tages Exkursion Translokales England: A Global Sense of Place. 02.-08.09.22
  • B4 Humangeographie Aufbau (Weiterführung aus SoSe 2021)
  • M9/JM12 Master Kolloquium der Kulturgeographie
    B12 Projektseminar  Humangeographie/ Mediengeographie
  • B10 3-Tagesexkursion: Mythos Rhein – Romantik, Landschaft und Nation
  • B13 Seminar zur Bachelorarbeit
  • M1 Vorlesung Wissenschaftstheorie
  • B4 Humangeographie Aufbau
  • B8b Methoden Humangeographie - „Partizipatorische Methoden“
  • BM4 Forschungsprojekt „Geographien des gesellschaftlichen und biographischen Wandels“
  • M9 Master-Kolloquium „Kulturgeographie“
  • B10 3-Tagesexkursion Mythos Rhein
  • B12 Projektseminar Mediengeographie
  • B13 Seminar zur Bachelorarbeit
  • M1 Vorlesung Humangeographie
  • M1 Vorlesung Wissenschaftstheorie

Forschungsprojekte und Förderung



Hörschelmann, K. and van Blerk, L. (2011) Children, Youth and the City (Routledge) Link

Herausgegebene Kollektionen

Henn, S., Miggelbrink, J. and Hörschelmann, K. (Eds.) (2021) Research Ethics in Human Geography. Routledge. Link

Harker, C., Hörschelmann, K. and Skelton, T. (Eds.) (2017) Conflict, Violence and Peace. Geographies of Children and Young People, Vol. 11 (Springer) Link

Burrell, K. and Hörschelmann, K. (Eds.) (2014) Mobilities in Socialist and Post-Socialist States: Societies on the Move (Palgrave Macmillan) Link

Hörschelmann, K. and Colls, R. (Eds.) (2009) Contested Bodies of Childhood and Youth (Palgrave) Link

Harutyunyan, A., Miles, M. and Hörschelmann, K. (Eds.) (2009) Public Spheres after Socialism, (Intellect Books) Link

van Hoven, B. and Hörschelmann, K. (Eds.) (2005) Spaces of Masculinities (Routledge) Link

Kollaboratives Buchprojekt

Van Hoven, B. (Ed.) (2005) Lives in Transition (Pearson)

Herausgegebene Sonderhefte

‘Peripheral visions: Security by, and for, whom?’ Geopolitics (in press), lead editor, with Catherine Cottrell Studemeyer, Peter Hopkins and Matthew Benwell. Link

‘Young people’s landscapes of security’, Social and Cultural Geography (2019), co-editor, with Catherine Cottrell Studemeyer, Peter Hopkins and Matthew Benwell. Link

‘Everyday politics of public space – Prefigurative, affective and performative perspectives on privacy, publicness and belonging’, Space and Culture (2019), co-editor, with Mattias de Backer and Claske Dijkeema. Link

‘Theorising Life Transitions: Geographical Perspectives’, Area (2011), sole editor. Link

‘Embodied Geographies of Childhood and Youth’, Children’s Geographies (2009), co-editor, with Rachel Colls. Link


Estrada, M., Galvin, M., Maassen, A. and Hörschelmann, K. (2022) ‘Catalysing Urban Transformation Through Women’s Empowerment in Cooperative Waste Management. The SWaCH initiative in Pune, India’ Local Environment, 1-15. Link

Kiss, B., Sekulova, F., Hörschelmann, K., Salk, C.F., Takahashi, W. and Wamsler, C. (2022) ‘Citizen Participation in the Governance of Nature‐Based Solutions’, Environmental Policy and Governance, 32(3), 247-272. Link

Botterill, K., Bogacki, M., Burrell, K. and Hörschelmann, K. (2020) ‘Applying for Settled Status. Ambivalent and Reluctant Compliance of EU citizens in Post-Brexit Scotland’, Scottish Affairs, 29(3), 370-385. Link

Estrada, M., Kotsila, P., Hörschelmann, K., Lazova, Y. and Werner, A. (2020) ‘Ensuring Citizenship Rights. Cooperation and Tensions in the Governance of Urban Community Gardens’, In: IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 588(5) (IOP Publishing). Link

Kotsila, P., Hörschelmann, K., Anguelovski, I., Sekulova, F. and Lazova, Y. (2020) Clashing temporalities of care and support as key determinants of transformatory and justice potentials in urban gardens. Cities, 106, p.102865. Link

Tozer, L., Hörschelmann, K., Anguelovski, I., Bulkeley, H. and Lazova, Y. (2020) ‚Whose city? Whose nature? Towards inclusive nature-based
solution governance‘, Cities 107. Link

Hörschelmann, K., Cottrell Studemeyer, C., Hopkins, P. and Benwell, M. (2019) ‘Special issue introduction: “Peripheral visions: Security by, and for, whom?”’ Geopolitics, 1-11, DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2019.1593965. Link

Hopkins, P., Hörschelmann, K., Benwell, M., and Studemeyer, C. (2019) ‘Young people’s landscapes of security’, Social and Cultural Geography, 20(4), 435-444.

Burrell, K. and Hörschelmann, K. (2019) ‘Perilous Journeys: Visualising the Racialised 'Refugee Crisis'’, Antipode 51(1), 45-65. Link

De Backer, M., Dijkema, C. and Hörschelmann, K. (2019) ‘Preface: The everyday politics of public space’, Space and Culture, DOI:10.11771206331219830080. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2018): Unbound emotional geographies of youth transitions, Geographica Helvetica 73, 31-42. Link

Hörschelmann, K. and Reich, E. (2017) ‘Entangled (in)securities: Sketching the scope of geosocial approaches for understanding “webs of (in)security”’, Geopolitics, 22: 1, 73-90. Link

Hörschelmann, K. and ElRefaie, E. (2014) ‘Transnational citizenship, dissent and the political geographies of youth’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 39: 2, 444-456. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2011) ‘Theorising life transitions: Geographical perspectives’, Area, 4: 4, 378–383. Link

Evans, B., Colls, R. and Hörschelmann, K. (2011) ‘Change4Life for your kids”: Intercorporeality and the Change4Life campaign’, Sports, Education and Society, 16: 3, 323-341. Link

ElRefaie, E. and Hörschelmann, K. (2010) 'Young people's readings of a political cartoon and the concept of multimodal literacy', Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 31: 2, 195-207. Link

Colls, R. and Hörschelmann, K. (2009) 'The geographies of children's and young people's bodies', Children's Geographies, 7: 6, 1-6. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2008) ‘Populating the landscapes of critical geopolitics – Young people’s responses to the War in Iraq’, Political Geography, 27: 5, 587-609. Link

Hörschelmann, K. and Stenning, A. (2008) ‘Ethnographies of Postsocialist Change’, Progress in Human Geography, 32: 3, 339-361. Link

Stenning, A. and Hörschelmann, K. (2008) ‘History, Geography and Difference in the Post-socialist World. Or, Do We Still Need Post-Socialism?’, Antipode, 40: 2, 313-335. Link

Hörschelmann, K. and Schäfer, N. (2007) ‘Berlin is not a foreign country, stupid!” – Growing up ‘global’ in eastern Germany’, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 38, 1855-1872. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2006) ‘Defining the subject of speech - Constructions of authorship in post-unification German media discourse’, Geoforum 38(3), 456-468. Link

Hörschelmann, K. and Schäfer, N. (2005) ‘Performing the global through the local – Young people’s practices of identity formation in former east Germany’, Children’s Geographies, 3: 2, 219-242. Link

Hörschelmann, K. and van Hoven, B. (2003) ‘Experiencing Displacement – The transformation of women’s spaces in (former) East Germany’, Antipode, 35: 4, 742-760. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2002) ‘Media Networks in Transition – The Politics of Cultural Production in Post-Unification Germany’, Social and Cultural Geography, 3: 2, 155-174. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2002) ‘History after the end: Post-socialist difference in a (post)modern world’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 27: 1, 52-66. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2001) ‘Audience interpretations of (former) east Germany’s representation in the German media’, European Urban and Regional Studies, 8: 3, 189-202. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2001) ‘Breaking Ground – Marginality and Resistance in (Post)Unification Germany’, Political Geography, 20: 8, 981-1004 Link

Hörschelmann, K. (1997) ‘Watching the East: Constructions of 'otherness' in TV representations of East Germany’, Applied Geography, 17: 4, 385-396. Link

Eingeladener Kommentar

Hörschelmann, K. (2016) ‘Persevering in the New Climate of Hate’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (Forum: Echoes of Cologne) Link


Hörschelmann, K. (2022) ‚Sicherheit‘, In: Kessel, F, and Reutlinger, C (Eds.) Sozialraum (Springer VS), 157-168. Link

Miggelbrink, J., Hörschelmann, K., & Henn, S. (2021). Reflecting research ethics in human geography: A constant need. In Research Ethics in Human Geography (pp. 1-20). Routledge. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2021). Childhood is a foreign country? Ethics in socio-spatial childhood research as a question of ‘how’and ‘what’. In Research Ethics in Human Geography (pp. 59-77). Routledge. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2020). Zwischenruf: Militärische Subjektivierung und (Geo) Politik der Materialität von Kindheit und Raum. In Materialitäten der Kindheit (pp. 263-270). Springer VS, Wiesbaden. Link

Werner, A., Lazova, Y., Hörschelmann, K. and Bogacki, M. (2019) ‚More Civil Engagement – More Sustainability? Selected Methods for Citizen Engagement and Initiatives of Civil Societies in Different International Contexts’, In: Mambretti, S and Mirales i Gareia, J.L, (Eds.) WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 238 (WIT Press), 143-152. 

Hörschelmann, K. and Meyer, F. (2018) ‘Zwischen Anpassung und Manipulation – Zum Umgang mit Gegebenheiten des Settings in der qualitativen Forschung’, in: Meyer, F, Miggelbrink, J and Beursken, K (Eds.) Ins Feld und zurück – Praktische Probleme qualitativer Forschung in der Sozialgeographie (Springer), pp. 95-102. Link

Nadler, R. and Hörschelmann, K.. (2018) ‘Ein schmaler Grat: Neutralität und Positionierung in der qualitativen Forschung’, in: Meyer, F, Miggelbrink, J and Beursken, K (Eds.) Ins Feld und zurück – Praktische Probleme qualitativer Forschung in der Sozialgeographie (Springer), pp. 103-110. Link

Pfoser, A. and Hörschelmann, K. (2018) ‘Erwartungen gibt es immer. Über den Umgang mit Erwartungen in der Feldforschung’, in: Meyer, F, Miggelbrink, J and Beursken, K (Eds.) Ins Feld und zurück – Praktische Probleme qualitativer Forschung in der Sozialgeographie (Springer), pp. 111-115. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2017) ‘Distance, connection and the power, freedom and obligation (not) to care’, in: Horton, J and Pyer, M (Eds.) Children, young people and care (Routledge), pp. 234-237. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2017) ‘Violent geographies of childhood and home: The child in the closet’, in: Harker, C., Hörschelmann, K and Skelton, T (eds), Conflict, Violence and Peace. Geographies of Children and Young People, Vol. 11 (Springer), pp. 233-251. Link

Harker, C. and Hörschelmann, K. (2017) ‘Preface’, in: Harker, C., Hörschelmann, K and Skelton, T (eds), Geographies of Children and Young People: Conflict, Violence and Peace (Springer), p. ix. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2016) ‘Crossing points: Contesting militarism in the spaces of children’s everyday lives in Britain and Germany’, in: Benwell, M and Hopkins, P (eds) Children, Young People and Critical Geopolitics (Ashgate), pp. 29-44. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2015) ‘Divided emotions: Children at war’, in Blazek, M and Kraftl, P (eds) Children’s Emotions in Politics and Practice (Palgrave), pp. 274-290. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2015) ‘Youth citizenship and dissent’, in: Kallio, K P and Mills, S (eds) Geographies of Children and Young People: Politics, Citizenship and Rights, (Springer), pp. 1-14. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2015) ‚Sehen Lernen: Raumbilder und Sozialisation‘, in Schlottmann, A and Miggelbrink, J (eds), Visuelle Geographien (Transcript Verlag), pp. 147-160. Link

Lang, T., Miggelbrink, J., Henn, S., Hörschelmann, K., Sgibnev, W. and Ehrlich, K. (2015) ‘New Geographies of Central and Eastern Europe. Researching Socio-Spatial Polarisation and Peripheralisation’, in: Lang, T et al (eds) New Geographies of Central and Eastern Europe. Researching Socio-Spatial Polarisation and Peripheralisation (Palgrave), pp. 1-21

Burrell, K. and Hörschelmann, K. (2014) 'Introduction: Understanding Mobility in Soviet and East European Socialist and Post-Socialist States', in Burrell, K and Hörschelmann, K (eds), Mobilities in Socialist and Post-Socialist States: Societies on the Move (Palgrave Macmillan),  pp. 1-22. Link

Hörschelmann, K. and ElRefaie, E. (2014) ‘Youth citizenship beyond consensus – Examining the role of satire and humour for critical engagements in citizenship education’, in: Buckingham, D, Bragg, S and Keheli, M (eds.) Youth Cultures in the Age of Global Media (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 225-240. Link

Colls, R. and Hörschelmann, K. (2009) ‘Introduction’, in: Contested Bodies of Childhood and Youth (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 1-21. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2009) ‘Routes through the city: changing youth identities and spatial practices in Leipzig’, in: Harutyunyan, A, Hörschelmann, K and Miles, M (eds.) Public Spheres after Socialism, (Intellect Books), pp. 91-110. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2008) ‘Transitions to work and the making of neo-liberal selves – growing up in (former) East Germany’, in: Adrian Smith, Alison Stenning and Katie Willis (eds.) Social Justice and Neoliberalism: Global Perspectives (Zed Books), pp. 135-163. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2008) ‘Politics, lifestyle and identity – the story of Sven, East Germany’, in: Jeffrey, C. and Dyson, J. (eds) Telling Young Lives: Portraits in Political Geography, (Temple University Press), pp. 81-96. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2008) “Youth and the geopolitics of risk after 11th September 2001”, in: Pain, R., and Smith, S. (eds) Fear: Critical Geopolitics and Everyday Life, (Ashgate), pp. 139-152. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2007) ‘Identity Under Communism and Postcommunism’, In: Herrschel, T (Ed.) Global Geographies of Post-socialist Transition. Geographies, Societies, Policies (Routledge), 209-225. Link

Hörschelmann, K. and Young, C. (2006) ‘Identities and Cultural Change’, in: Herrschel, T and Young, C (eds) Geographies of Global ‘Transition’ from Socialism to Post-Socialism (Routledge), pp. 209-225

Hörschelmann, K. van Hoven, B. (2005) ‘Introduction: from geographies of men to geographies of women and back again?’ in: van Hoven, B and Hörschelmann, K (eds) Spaces of Masculinities, (Routledge), pp. 1-16

Hörschelmann, K. (2005) ‘Deviant Masculinities – Representations of neo-fascist youth in eastern Germany’, in van Hoven, B and Hörschelmann, K (eds) (2005) Spaces of Masculinities, (Routledge), pp. 138-152. Link

Hörschelmann, K. and van Hoven, B. (2005) ‘Introduction. From Geographies of Men to Geographies of Women and Back Again?’ In: van Hoven, B and Hörschelmann, K (Eds.) Spaces of Masculinities, (Routledge), 1-16. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2004) ‘The social consequences of transformation’, in Bradshaw, M and Stenning, A (2004) The transition economies of East Central Europe and the former Soviet Union, DARG Series of Regional Textbooks (Pearsons) pp. 219-256. Link

Hörschelmann, K. (2000) ‘'Go East, Young Man ...' - Gendered representations of identity in media discourses on East Germany’, in Stevenson, P & Theobald, J (eds.) (2000): Relocating Germanness: Discourses of Unified Germany, (Macmillan Publishers), pp. 43-59. Link

Berichte, Working Papers und erweiterte Reviews

Finlay, R., Hopkins, P., Kirndörfer, E., Kox, M., Huizinga, R., de Backer, M., Benwell, M., Hörschelmann, K., Felten, P., Bastian, J. and Bousetta, H. (2022) ‘Young Refugees and Public Space’, Newcastle University. Link

Huizinga, R., Hopkins, P., de Backer M., Finlay, R., Kirndörfer, E., Kox, M., Bastian, J., Benwell, M.C., Felten, P., Haack, L. and Hörschelmann, K. (2022) ‘Researching Refugee Youth. Guides for Researchers’, Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers. Link

Hörschelmann, K., Werner, A., Bogacki M. and Lazova, Y. (Eds.) (2019) ‘Taking Action for Urban Nature. Handbook for Citizen Engagement’, NATURVATION. Link

Almassy, D., Ruijs, A. and Hörschelmann, K. (2018) Review on (integrated) assessment approaches for urban governance related to nature-based solutions, NATURVATION Working Paper, September 2018 (sections on participatory assessment methods)

Veerkamp, C.J., Hanson, H., Olsson, P., Rocha, S., Almassy, D., Pinter, L., Hörschelmann, K., Ivanova, S., Werner, A., Bockarjova, M., Botzen, W. J., Lazarova, T., Schipper, A., van Hoorn, A., Ruijs, A., Dammers, E. and Hedlund, K. (2018) Review of current methods to assess the multiple benefits of urban nature-based solutions, NATURVATION Working Paper, February 2018

Hörschelmann, K., Lazova, Y., Werner, A., Hildebrand, S. and Paulus, S. (2017) Nature-based Urban Innovations in Leipzig, NATURVATION Case Study Report, September 2017

Dushkova, D and Hörschelmann, K (2015) ‘Perception of environmental risk in different European cities’, RIMMA  Risk Information Management, Risk Models, and Applications, LNIS Vol. 7    

Bouzarovski S, Petrova S, Kitching M, Baldwick J, Hayman B, Hörschelmann, K (2012) Fuel poverty among young adults in multiple occupancy housing: preliminary research findings and recommendations. Birmingham: Energy, Society and Place Research Unit

van Hoven, B and Hörschelmann, K (2006) ‘Männlichkeit und Geographie’, Feministisches Geo-Rundmail, Issue Nr. 29 (April)

Hörschelmann, K (2005) ‘Sprache ohne Macht? Anmerkungen zu Antje Schlottmann’s RaumSprache’, ACME – An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 4 (2), 254-261

Hörschelmann, K (2005) ‘Sprache ohne Macht? Anmerkungen zu Antje Schlottmann’s RaumSprache’, ACME – An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 4(2), 254-261. Link

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