Successful Habilitationskolloqium Marks Academic Milestone for Sabine Dörry3
Sabine Dörry, Senior Researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) and a prominent researcher in the field of financial and economic geography, reached a significant academic milestone as she successfully defended her research during the Habilitationskolloqium held on Wednesday, January 30, 2024.
Dörry’s presentation entitled “Sustainable regional development and decarbonisation in old industrial regions: A comparative analysis of Saxony (Germany) and Hauts-de-France (France)” presented an insightful comparison of the two (old) industrial regions and their contemporary, diverging developments. The presentation showcased Dörry’s latest research and provoked an engaged discussion with the audience.
Her Habilitationskolloqium not only marked a personal achievement for Dörry, but also highlighted the continued dedication to advancing knowledge in her field. Colleagues, peers, and her academic mentor, Britta Klagge, congratulated Dörry on her successful defense, recognizing the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.
The Working Group Economic Geography wishes Sabine Dörry all the best for the next steps in her academic career.
Unternehmensbesuch bei SGL Carbon6
Eine gemischte Gruppe Bachelor- und Masterstudierende erhielt während einer Betriebsbesichtigung bei SGL Carbon in Bonn-Mehlem praxisnahe Einblicke. Das Unternehmen ist über 100 Jahre alt und liegt westlich vom Bahnhof Mehlem, umgeben von Wohn- und Gewerbegebieten, so dass die (kaum vorhandenen) Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten eine Herausforderung darstellen.