29. September 2023

Andrew Cumbers new visiting professor at GIUB The Economic Geography Working Group welcomes Prof. Dr. Andrew Cumbers

Urban Infrastructures
Urban Infrastructures © RemunResearchGroup
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Professor Cumbers is a distinguished economic geographer and will be a part of the working group until end-2024.. His research interests include economic democracy, urban and regional development, public and collective ownership, and employment relations. His work is published widely in leading journals of human geography and economics.

Professor Cumbers received an ERC Advanced grant to conduct research on “Global Remunicipalisation and the Post-Neoliberal Turn – A comparative research project investigating remunicipalisation in Europe, Latin America and the United States“. His grant allows him to finalize his project at the University of Bonn.

During his stay, Professor Cumbers participates in the Economic Geography Working Group’s activities and he will also teach an economic geography class in February 2024.

You can follow Andrew Cumbers on twitter: @acumbers

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