
On this website, you find all members of the Economic Geography working group, as well as links to the websites of each member.

Head of Research Group

Avatar Klagge

Prof. Dr. Britta Klagge

Head of Research Group Economic Geography

0.006 (126)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Office hours

During lecture-free period:

Wednesday 07.08.24 14-15 Uhr

During the semester:

Tuesdays 14-15 o'clock

The office hour only takes place after registration with Jacqueline Fabula:

no office hours on:

Tuesday, 9 July

Management and Administration

Avatar Fabula

Jacqueline Fabula

+49 228 73-7519

+49 228 73-9731

0.005 (125)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Office hours

  • Monday 14:00 - 16:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
  • Wednesday 14:00 - 16:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 13:00

Academic Staff

Avatar Antoni

Julian Antoni


1.020 (223)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Avatar Zuloeta Bonilla

Rosa Zuloeta Bonilla

Avatar Haid

Ravn Haid


0.002 (122)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Avatar Ndi

Dr. Frankline Ndi


0.004 (124)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Avatar Walker

Benedikt Walker


0.002 (122)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Avatar Nweke-Eze

Chigozie Nweke-Eze

Avatar Stahmer

Maya Stahmer

Studentische Hilfskraft
Avatar Petersen

Swantje Petersen

Studentische Hilfskraft

Visiting Researchers

Avatar Cumbers

Andrew Cumbers

Visiting Professor


Avatar Dörry

Sabine Dörry

Researcher Luxemburg Institute of Socio-Economic Research
Avatar Hansen

Jörn Hansen

RheinEnergie AG
Avatar Schote

Heiner Schote

Deputy Managing Director Hamburg Chamber of Commerce Department of Business Development & Entrepreneurship

Former Academic Staff

Avatar Becker

Prof. Dr. Sören Becker

Avatar Campos Silva

Pedro Campos Silva

Avatar Duguma

Mesay Kebede Duguma

Avatar Klein-Hitpaß

Katrin Klein-Hitpaß

Avatar Kölsche

Dr. Claudia Kölsche

Avatar Meister

Thomas Meister

Avatar Reimer

Sebastian Reimer

Avatar Stolz

Dennis Stolz

Avatar Thiele

Dr. Katja Thiele

Avatar Tillmann

Elena Tillmann

Avatar Wölfel

Janina Wölfel

Wird geladen