Albert Elikplim Agbenorhevi 

PhD student in Climate change and Water Resources


  • Ecohydrology
  • Water quality
  • Rivers and Groundwater
  • Remote sensing and Land use Land cover changes
  • Climate change
  • Sanitation systems

New Interest

Isotope Hydrology

Regional focus: West Africa

Avatar Agbenorhevi

Albert Elikplim Agbenorhevi


Meckenheimer Allee 172

53115 Bonn

Curriculum Vitae

January - present: Doctoral Research fellow at the University of Bonn (research group Prof. Dr. Julian Klaus)
Project AGUA: Assessing Global Change impacts on streamflow dynamics using distributed hydrological modelling in a data-scarce tropical watershed in West Africa.

from 2021: PhD candidate at the Graduate Research Program of Climate Change and Water Resources (Université d'Abomey-Calavi, Benin WASCAL-UAC).
Thesis: Global Change Impact on Surface Water Availability in Pra River Catchment, Ghana. (research group Prof. Leonard K. Amekudzi)

2016 - 2018: MSc Water Engineering (Pan African University, Institute of Water and Energy Sciences, Algeria)

Thesis title: Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources of the Atankwidi Basin in Ghana, West Africa.

Link to the thesis:

2011- 2015: BSc. Water and Sanitation (University of Cape Coast, Ghana)

Thesis title: Groundwater Quality Monitoring on Selected Hand-Dug Wells in the Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana. Case Study; Abura.


Scholarship holder of the Argelander Scholarships for doctoral candidates from universities in Africa, Latin America and South/ East Asia


2021 – present

Scholarship holder of the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL).

For the Graduate Research Program on Climate Change and Water Resources, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin.



Scholarship holder of the African Union Commission (PAU-AUC). 

For Graduate studies at Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Science (PAUWES), Algeria.


Analyzing Land Use and Land Cover Change Dynamics in the Pra River Basin: A Multi-Tool Approach for Informed Decision-Making.

Agbenorhevi, A.E., Amekudzi, L.K., Kelome, N., Biney, E. & Annan, E. (2024)

Environmental Challenges,100922.

Predicting Global Change impacts on streamflow dynamics using distributed hydrological modeling in a data-scarce nested tropical catchment in West Africa.

Agbenorhevi, A. E., Klaus, J., Amekudzi, L. K., Kelome, N. C., Biney, E., & Annan, E. (2024). 

(No. EGU24-482). Copernicus Meetings.

A comprehensive analysis and future projection of land use and land cover dynamics in a fast-growing city: A case study of Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis, Ghana.

Biney, E., Forkuo, E. K., Poku-Boansi, M., Asare, Y. M., Hackman, K. O., Yankey, D., Agbenorhevi, A.E. & Annan, E. (2024). 

Scientific African, 2207.

Sustainability assessment of groundwater in south-eastern parts of the western region of Ghana for water supply.

Biney, E., Mintah, B. A., Ankomah, E., Agbenorhevi, A. E., Yankey, D. B., & Annan, E. (2024). 

Cleaner Water, 1, 100007.

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