Valery Bessely Stanislas Kouassi
PhD student in Climate change and Water Resources
- Ecohydrology
- Water quality
- Aquatic Ecosystems (wetlands, rivers, etc.)
- Water management
- Water & sanitation systems
- Remote sensing and Land use Land cover
- Climate change
- Environment-Transport-Urbanization
New Interest
- Ecohydrological modelling
- High Performance Computing
- Water Isotopes
Regional focus: West Africa
Valery Bessely Stanislas Kouassi
Meckenheimer Allee 172
53115 Bonn
Curriculum Vitae
Project: EcoWat-Secure: Ecohydrological modeling in a data scare West Africa Sudanian watershed: Integrating agricultural dam-operation for water security predictions.
June 2024-December 2024: Environmental & Social Performances Manager (Millenium Challenge Account Côte d’Ivoire)
Project: Abidjan Transport Project (ATP)
February 2023-April 2024: Environment Specialist for Transport and Urban development projects (Urban Mobility Authority in Greater Abidjan)
September 2020-July 2021: Environmental-Social-Hygiene Engineer Assistant (AFCONS Infrastructure Limited)
Project: 5451 Dry Bulk Cargo Terminal
February 2020-July 2020: Environmental Engineer (Tractebel Engie – Côte d’Ivoire)
Thesis: Global Change Adaptation: Ecohydrology and Agricultural Dams relationship in a West Africa’s data-scarce watershed
2021-2023: Professional Master in Transport and Urban Planning (National Polytechnic Institute Houphouët-Boigny (INPHB)- Côte d’Ivoire).
Thesis title: Development of lagoon transport in Abidjan: study of environmental constraints
2015-2017: MSc. Environmental Management & Sciences option: Ecology and Development of aquatic ecosystems. (Nangui Abrogoua University - Abidjan).
Thesis title: Influence of thermal treatment of laterite on phosphorus absorption from domestic wastewater
2012-2015: BSc. Water Technology and Sciences (Nangui Abrogoua University - Abidjan)
Thesis title: Geomaterials used for domestic wastewater treatment: literature review
Scholarship holder of the Argelander Scholarships for doctoral candidates from universities in Africa, Latin America and South/ East Asia 3
2021 – present
Scholarship holder of the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL).
For the Graduate Research Program on Climate Change and Water Resources, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin.
Scholarship holder of the African Centre of Excellence on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture (CEA-CCBAD).
For Graduate studies, Côte d’Ivoire. 5
Performance of Thermally Activated Laterite on Phosphate Adsorption from Aqueous Solution: a SEM Imaging Investigation
L. S. Coulibaly, D. Sangaré1, J. A. Mbey, V. B. S. Kouassi, L. Coulibaly
Journal of Materials and Environmental Science. 12. 1176-1190.