Prof. Dr. Roland Pape

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Prof. Dr. Roland Pape

  • Associate Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway, Department of Natural Sciences and Environmental Health, Campus Bø, Norway
  • Privatdozent, University of Bonn, Germany
  • Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems; Reindeer Research; Alpine Plant Growth
  • Biogeography; Dendroecology; Ecoclimatology; Movement Ecology
  • Scandies, Greenland, Mediterranean, South Africa
  • Co-Chair of German Biogeography Study Group (AK Biogeographie, DGfG)

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Articles in peer-reviewed journals


ALBRECHT, E. C., DOBBERT, S.,  PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2024) Complex Environmental Control of Growth in a Dominant Mediterranean-Alpine Shrub Species. Journal of Ecology, 112, 1516–1532. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14321

ALBRECHT, E. C., DOBBERT, S.,  PAPE, R. LÖFFLER, J. (2024) Patterns, Timing, and Environmental Drivers of Growth in two Coexisting Green-Stemmed Mediterranean Alpine Shrub Species. New Phytologist, 241, 114-130.

ALBRECHT, E. C., DOBBERT, S., KETURKA, K., KÜHNAPFEL, M., FRANCON, L., PAPE, R. WUNDRAM, D. & LÖFFLER, J. (2024) Annual Ring Widths in the Arctic-Alpine Dwarf-Shrub Species Betula nana - Dataset from Long-Term Alpine Ecosystem Research in Central Norway (LTAER-NO). Erdkunde, 78, DP311206.


HOLTAN, M., STRAND, O., KASTDALEN, L., BJERKETVEDT, D. K., ODLAND, A., PAPE, R. & HEGGENES, J. (2023) Wild Mountain Reindeer Rangifer tarandus tarandus Winter Foraging: Snow-Free Areas a Key Resource for Feeding. Polar Biology, 46, 1321-1334.

ALBRECHT, E. C., DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2023) Patterns, Timing, and Environmental Drivers of Secondary Growth in two Physiologically Distinct Mediterranean-Alpine Shrub Species. Environmental Research: Ecology, 2, 045002.

LÖFFLER, J., TSCHORN, K. M., DOBBERT, S., ALBRECHT, E.C., R. PAPE, R. & WUNDRAM, D. (2023) Dataset from Long-Term Air Quality Monitoring in the World Natural Heritage Geirangerfjord, Western Norway (AQM-G). Erdkunde, 77, DP311205.

ALBRECHT, E. C., DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R., WUNDRAM, D. & LÖFFLER, J. (2023) Annual Ring Width in the Mediterranean-Alpine Shrub Species Cytisus galianoi—Dataset from Long-Term Alpine Ecosystem Research in the Sierra Nevada, Spain (LTAER-ES). Erdkunde; 77, DP311203.

KÜHNAPFEL, M., ALBRECHT, E. C., DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R., WUNDRAM, D. & LÖFFLER, J. (2023) Annual Ring Width in the Arctic-Alpine Dwarf-Shrub Species Salix herbacea—Dataset from Long-Term Alpine Ecosystem Research in Central Norway (LTAER-NO). Erdkunde; 77, DP311204.

WEHNER, A., HEIN, N., DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2023) Early Snow Melt and Diverging Thermal Constraints Control Body Size in Arctic-Alpine Spiders. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 138, 1–13.


DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2022) On Growth Patterns and Mechanisms in Arctic-Alpine Shrubs. Erdkunde, 76, 199–226.

WEHNER, A., HEIN, N., BECKERS, N., DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2022) Data from: Early Snow Melt and Diverging Thermal Constraints Control Body Size in Arctic-Alpine Spiders. Dryad Digital Repository.

DOBBERT, S., ALBRECHT, E. C., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2022) Alpine Shrub Growth Follows Bimodal Patterns Across Biomes—Unexpected Environmental Controls. Communications Biology, 5, 739.

DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2022) The Application of Dendrometers to Alpine Dwarf Shrubs—A Case Study to Investigate Stem Growth Responses to Environmental Conditions. Biogeosciences, 19, 1933–1958.

LÖFFLER, J., ALBRECHT, E. C., DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R. & WUNDRAM, D. (2022) Dendrometer Measurements of Mediterranean-Alpine Dwarf Shrubs and Micro-Environmental Drivers of Plant Growth—Dataset from Long-Term Alpine Ecosystem Research in the Sierra Nevada, Spain (LTAER-ES). Erdkunde, DP311202.


DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2021) How does Spatial Heterogeneity Affect Inter- and Intraspecific Growth Patterns in Tundra Shrubs? Journal of Ecology, 109, 4115–4131.

LÖFFLER, J., DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R. & WUNDRAM, D. (2021) Dendrometer Measurements of Arctic-Alpine Dwarf Shrubs and Micro-Environmental Drivers of Plant Growth—Dataset from Long-Term Alpine Ecosystem Research in Central Norway. Erdkunde, DP311201.

DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2021) A New Mechanistic Understanding of Ecophysiological Patterns in a Widespread Alpine Dwarf Shrub—Refining Climate-Growth Relationships. Biogeosciences Discussions 1–40 (Pre-Print).

DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2021) Contrasting Growth Response of Evergreen and Deciduous Arctic-Alpine Shrub Species to Climate Variability. Ecosphere, 12 (8), e03688. Press Release

DOBBERT, S., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2021) Continent-Wide Modelling of Potential Habitats and Connectivity for the Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) in Europe. Erdkunde, 75, 69–85.


SANDHAGE-HOFMANN, A., LÖFFLER, J., KOTZE, E., WEIJERS, S., WINGATE, V., WUNDRAM, D., WEIHERMÜLLER, L., PAPE, R., DU PREEZ, C. C. & AMELUNG, W. (2020) Woody Encroachment and Related Soil Properties in Different Tenure-Based Management Systems of Semiarid Rangelands. Geoderma, 372, 114399.

LÖFFLER, J. & PAPE, R. (2020) Thermal Niche Predictors of Alpine Plant Species. Ecology, 101, e02891.


HEIN, N., PÉTILLON, J., PAPE, R., FEILHAUER, H., VANSELOW, K. A. & LÖFFLER, J. (2019) Broad-Scale Rather than Fine-Scale Environmental Variation Drives Body Size in a Wandering Predator (Araneae, Lycosidae). Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 51, 315–326.

FRINDTE, K., PAPE, R., WERNER, K., LÖFFLER, J. & KNIEF, C. (2019) Temperature and Soil Moisture Control Microbial Community Composition in an Arctic-Alpine Ecosystem Along Elevational and Micro-Topographic Gradients. ISME Journal, 13, 2031–2043.


ZIMMERMANN, S., DUBOVYK, O., OLDENBURG, C., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2018) Lichen Cover Mapping in Southern Norway—An Analysis with Remote Sensing and GIS. GIS Science, 2, 60–71.

WEIJERS, S., PAPE, R., LÖFFLER, J. & MYERS-SMITH, I. H. (2018) Contrasting Shrub Species Respond to Early Summer Temperatures Leading to Correspondence of Shrub Growth Patterns. Environmental Research Letters, 13, 034005.


PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2017) Determinants of Arctic-Alpine Pasture Resources—The Need for a Spatially and Functionally Fine-Scaled Perspective. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 99, 353–370.


PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2016) Towards a Process-Based Biogeography of Reindeer: Scaling Space, Time, and Organizational Levels of Space Use. Norwegian Journal of Geography, 70, 230–246.

PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2016) Broad-Scale Assumptions on Available Pasture Resources and Reindeer´s Habitat Preferences Shown to be Decoupled from Ecological Reality of Arctic-Alpine Landscapes. Erdkunde, 70, 169–192.

PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2016) Spatial Patterns of Alpine Phytomass, Primary Productivity, and related Calorific Resources. Ecosphere, 7 (6), e01347.


PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2015) Seasonality of Habitat Selection Shown to Buffer Alpine Reindeer Pastoralism Against Climate Variability. Ecosphere, 6 (12), 260.

PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2015) Ecological Dynamics in Habitat Selection of Reindeer—An Interplay of Spatial Scale, Time, and Individual Animal´s Choice. Polar Biology, 38, 1891–1903.


HEIN, N., PAPE, R., FINCH, O.-D. & LÖFFLER, J. (2014) Alpine Activity Patterns of Mitopus morio (Fabricius, 1779) are induced by Variations in Temperature and Humidity at Different Scales in Central Norway. Journal of Mountain Science, 11, 644–655.


PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2012) Climate Change, Land Use Conflicts, Predation and Ecological Degradation as Challenges for Reindeer Husbandry in Northern Europe—What Do We Really Know After Half a Century of Research? Ambio, 41, 421–434.


LÖFFLER, J., ANSCHLAG, K., BAKER, B., FINCH, O.-D., DIEKKRÜGER, B., WUNDRAM, D., SCHRÖDER, B., PAPE, R. & LUNDBERG, A. (2011) Mountain Ecosystem Response to Global Change. Erdkunde, 65, 191–215.


WUNDRAM, D., PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2010) Alpine Soil Temperature Variability at Multiple Scales. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 42, 117–128.


PAPE, R., WUNDRAM, D. & LÖFFLER, J. (2009) Modelling Near-Surface Temperature Conditions in High Mountain Environments—An Appraisal. Climate Research, 39, 99–109.


BÄR, A., PAPE, R., BRÄUNING, A. & LÖFFLER, J. (2008) Growth-Ring Variations of Dwarf Shrubs Reflect Regional Climate Signals in Alpine Environments rather than Micro-Climatic Differences. Journal of Biogeography, 35, 625–636.

FINCH, O.-D., LÖFFLER, J. & PAPE, R. (2008) Assessing the Sensitivity of Melanoplus frigidus (Boheman, 1846) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) to Different Weather Conditions: A Modelling Approach Focussing on Development Times. Insect Science, 15, 167–178.

LÖFFLER, J. & PAPE, R. (2008) Diversity Patterns in Relation to the Environment in Alpine Tundra Ecosystems of Northern Norway. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 40, 373–381. 


LÖFFLER, J., PAPE, R. & WUNDRAM, D. (2006) The Climatologic Significance of Topography, Altitude and Region in High Mountains—A Survey of Oceanic-Continental Differentiations of the Scandes. Erdkunde, 60, 15–24.


LÖFFLER, J., LUNDBERG, A., RÖSSLER, O., BRÄUNING, A., JUNG, G., PAPE, R. & WUNDRAM, D. (2004) The Central Norwegian Alpine Tree Line under a Changing Climate and Changing Land Use. Norwegian Journal of Geography, 58, 183–193.

LÖFFLER, J. & PAPE, R. (2004) Across Scale Temperature Modelling Using a Simple Approach for the Characterisation of High Mountain Ecosystem Complexity. Erdkunde, 58, 331–348.

PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2004) Spatio-Temporal Near-Surface Temperature Variation in High Mountain Landscapes. Ecological Modelling, 178, 483–501.

Other publications


PAPE, R. & LÖFFLER, J. (2015) Mehr als Raum und Zeit—Skalen und die Habitatselektion von Rentieren in Norwegen. Norden, 21, 37–44. Bremen.


LÖFFLER, J. & PAPE, R. (2008) Plant Diversity Patterns and Reindeer Pastoralism in Northern Norwegian Mountain Systems. Colloquium Geographicum, 31, pp. 57–72, Bonn.


LÖFFLER, J., FÜRSTE, C., HEIDER, T., KELCH, T., LÖLKE, K., NAUJOK, J., PAPE, R., SCHADEK, U., SIMON, M. & SPARKE, S. (2003) Aspekte der Landschaftsdegradation auf Island. Oldenburger Geoökologisches Kolloquium, 9, pp. 3–40, Oldenburg.

LÖFFLER, J. & PAPE, R. (2003) Simulation des Energiehaushalts in mittelnorwegischen Hochgebirgslandschaften. Norden, 15, pp. 221–233, Bremen.


LÖFFLER, J., FINCH, O.-D., NAUJOK, J. & PAPE, R. (2001) Möglichkeiten der Integration zoologischer Aspekte in die landschaftsökologische Untersuchung von Hochgebirgen. Methodendiskussion am Beispiel ökologischer Prozesssysteme und Biozönosen. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 33, 351–357.

LÖFFLER, J., NAUJOK, J., PAPE, R. & RÖSSLER, O. (2001) Ökosysteme und Landschaftsdegradation im Hochgebirge Westgrönlands. Norden, 14, pp. 103–114, Bremen.

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