Florian Weisser
Dr. Florian Weisser
Former Staff RG Müller-Mahn
  • Politische Geographie, Politische Ökologie, Sozialgeographie
Ausgewählte Publikationen

Weisser, F., Müller-Mahn, D. (2017) No place for the Political: Micro-geographies of the Paris Climate Conference Antipode 49 (3) 802-820 Link 

Weisser, F. (2015) Efficacious trees and the politics of forestation in Uganda Area 47 (3) 319-326. Link

Eguavoen, I., Schulz, K, de Wit, S., Weisser, F., Müller-Mahn, D. (2015) Political dimensions of climate change adaptation. Conceptual reflections and African examples, in: Filho, W.L. (Ed.), Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg, 1183-1199. Link

Weisser, F. (2014) Powerful, metamorphic, mediative: Trees, climate change and the intricate geographies of objects. Working Papers of the Priority Programme 1448 of the German Research Foundation, Nr. 8, Leipzig and Halle. Link

Weisser, F. (2014) Practices, politics, performativities: Documents in the international negotiations on climate change. Political Geography 40, 46-55. Link

Weisser, F., Bollig, M., Doevenspeck, M., Müller-Mahn, D. (2014) Translating the 'adaptation to climate change' paradigm - the politics of a travelling idea in Africa. The Geographical Journal 180 (2) 111-119. Link

Eguavoen, I., Schulz, K, de Wit, S., Weisser, F., Müller-Mahn, D. (2013) Political dimensions of climate change adaptation. Conceptual reflections and African examples. ZEF Working Paper 120. Bonn. Link

Weisser, F. (2011) Fremde in der eigenen Gesellschaft? Integration von Obdachlosen in Nürnberg, in: Popp, H. (Ed.), Migration und Integration in Deutschland (Bayreuther Kontaktstudium Geographie, Bd. 6). Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V., Bayreuth, 155-167. Link

Müller-Mahn, D., Weisser, F. (2011) Neue Raummuster in kartographischer Darstellung, in: Gebhardt, H., Glaser, R., Radtke, U., Reuber, P. (Eds.), Geographie. Physische Geographie und Humangeographie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 776-778. 

Florian Weisser
Dr. Florian Weisser
Former Staff RG Müller-Mahn
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