31. März 2023

Prof. Schrott on Disaster Management and Risk Governance in Podcast episode 67 of "Erststimme - der Podcast für alles außer Corona" by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Prof. Schrott in episode 67 of "Erststimme - der Podcast für alles außer Corona" by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

(German only)

Natural hazards such as earthquakes, epidemics, floods, or man-made disasters such as fires, major traffic accidents or terrorist attacks pose sudden and huge challenges to a society. The key to managing these crises is preparedness for the event of a disaster and then management during the disaster. What distinguishes the concepts of risk, hazard and crisis?

Podcast episode 67 of "Erststimme - der Podcast für alles außer Corona" by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Podcast episode 67 of "Erststimme - der Podcast für alles außer Corona" by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation © Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. 2023
Alle Bilder in Originalgröße herunterladen Der Abdruck im Zusammenhang mit der Nachricht ist kostenlos, dabei ist der angegebene Bildautor zu nennen.

Is it possible for a society to prepare adequately for such "major disasters", how do we acquire the competence to act in crisis situations? What scenarios are used as a basis and how do we learn to prepare for and manage these things professionally? How do we meet the requirement to raise awareness that education and training play a key role in disaster preparedness and management?
We talk about this topic with geographer Prof. Dr. Lothar Schrott, head of the postgraduate Master's course "Master of Disaster Management and Risk Governance (KaVoMa)" at the University of Bonn, which is offered in cooperation with the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK).

(Translation of Podcast description provided by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 2023)

Link to the Spotify episode

Link to the episode on the KAS NRW-Website

Picture © Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. 2023 Text: Translation of Podcast description provided by © Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. 2023 (Internet: https://www.kas.de/de/web/bundesstadt-bonn/podcast-erststimme-2023)
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