26. August 2024

University of Bonn hosts EUMA Stakeholder Workshop University of Bonn hosts EUMA Stakeholder Workshop

The EUMA team ("Creating an EUropean Higher Education Network for MAster’s Programmes in Disaster Risk Management") hosted a successful hybrid Kick-off Stakeholder Meeting on June 3rd 2024. The workshop brought together key local and international stakeholders to share their invaluable knowledge and experience, focusing on the needs and demands for the education of future disaster managers. Led by Prof. Lothar Schrott and Dr. Rainer Bell and supported by Everjoy Chiimba, Marie Weil and Christina Páez Maletz, the workshop was filled with lively discussions, including a comprehensive SWOT analysis on the current educational landscape of disaster managers. Participants also assessed essential and desirable skills for a (future) disaster risk manager. The results of the Kick-off meeting will contribute to the development of the EUMA curriculum.

Insights of the stakeholder workshop at Bonn University
Insights of the stakeholder workshop at Bonn University © Everjoy Grace Chiimba
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Read more about the EUMA project here!

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