Prof. Dr. Lothar Schrott

Professor of Physical Geography and Geomorphology

Head of Research Group “Geomorphology and
Environmental Systems”

Teaching and research areas

My research activities focus mainly on geomorphic processes in mountain areas (European Alps, Rocky Mountains, Andes, German upland). Current research projects are related to natural hazards and risks, high mountain permafrost, sediment budgets and mass movements. For more information click here2.

My teaching activities in Physical Geography focus specifically on theoretical and applied approaches in geomorphology, global environmental change, natural hazards and risks. The integration of quantitative methods (lab and field) and the participation of students in research projects are of primary concern. For more information click here3.

Avatar Schrott

Prof. Dr. Lothar Schrott

0.028 (153)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Office hours:
during semester: Thursday 2 to 4 pm and by arrangement (Please sign in here7)

during semester break: only by arrangement

Curriculum vitae

  • Since 2013: Full Professor of Physical Geography and Geomorphology, Department of Geography, University of Bonn, Germany
  • Since 2014: Director of the master programme KaVoMa1 "disaster management and risk governance", Department of Geography, University of Bonn, Germany
  • 2016 (3 mo.): Visiting Professor at the University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • 2011 (7 mo.): Visiting Professor at the Universities of Ottawa and Carleton, Canada
  • 2006-2013: Full Professor of Physical Geography and Geomorphology at the Department of Geography and Geology, University of Salzburg, Austria
  • 2004-2006: Professor of Physical Geography and Geomorphology at the Department of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Vienna, Austria
  • 2002-2003: Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
  • 1996-2004: Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Bonn
  • 1994-1996: Postdoc, Department of Geography, University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • 1989-1991: PhD-student/visiting scientist, Instituto Argentino de Nivología y Glaciología in Mendoza, Argentina
  • 2003: Habilitation at the University of Bonn: Title of the habilitation thesis: "Sedimentspeicher alpiner Geosysteme" ("Sediment storage of alpine geosystems”)
  • 1993: Dr. rer. nat. in Geography (minors in Geology and Physics), University of Heidelberg: Title of the dissertation: "Die Solarstrahlung als steuernder Faktor im Geosystem der subtropischen semiariden Hochanden" ("The solar radiation as controlling factor in the geosystem of subtropical and semiarid Andes”) - Supervisor: Prof. Dr. D. Barsch
  • 1983-1989: State examination and studies in Geography, Physical Education and Geology at the Universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg

Persistent post-flood hillslope activity posing a potential landslide dam hazard in the Ahr valley, Germany

Wenzel, T., Bell, R., Dietze, M. & Schrott, L. (2024)

Environmental Sciences Europe. 36. doi: 10.1186/s12302-024-00985-8

Spatial patterns and determinants of severe geomorphological changes due to the extreme flood event in the Ahr valley, western Germany in July 2021

Weidt, F., Bell, R., Schrott, L., Brenning, A., Dietze, M., Burghardt, L. & Groeßer, J. (2024)

Research Square. In Review, 12 July 2024. doi: 10.21203/

Vertical surface change signals of rock glaciers: combining UAV and Pléiades imagery (Agua Negra, Argentina)

Stammler, M., Cusicanqui, D., Bell, R., Robson, B., Bodin, X., Blöthe, J. & Schrott, L. (2024)

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Permafrost. 16-20 June 2024, Whitehorse, Canada. doi: 10.52381/ICOP2024.138.1

Underestimated permafrost landforms – Block and talus slope distribution in the Dry Andes of Argentina

Köhler, T., Schoch, A., Bell, R., Ortiz, A., Reichartz, P., Schrott, L. & Trombotto, D. (2024)

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Permafrost. 16-20 June 2024, Whitehorse, Canada. doi: 10.52381/ICOP2024.151

Die Flutkatastrophe im Juli 2021 in Deutschland Lessons to learn und Forschungsbedarfe für den deutschen Bevölkerungsschutz

Winkhardt-Enz, R., Thiebes, B. & Schrott, L. (2024)

In: BBK (Hrsg.): Forschung für den Bevölkerungsschutz Fachkongress vom 12.-14. Januar 2023. ISBN: 978-3-949117-25-1

Media appearance

Erststimme #67

Lothar Schrott as guest on the podcast Erststimme #67 on the topic of Disaster Management (March 29, 2023).

Terra X Podcast

Prof. Dr. Lothar Schrott on the Terra X (ZDF) podcast with Harald Lesch "What to do when the natural disaster comes" (June 06, 2022)

SWR TV Video

"How to live on with the Ahr?"
Landesschau Rheinland-Pfalz, SWR Fernsehen RP
(July 14, 2022)

More Media


Disaster preparedness also includes an awareness of risks, says geography professor Lothar Schrott. (Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 22.07.2021)

Disaster Management

"How do we respond properly?" -
In Lothar Schrott`s master's degree program "Disaster Management and Risk Governance" at the University of Bonn people in positions of responsibility such as lawyers, mayors or emergency medical technicians are trained
(ZDF Planet Wissen, 02.12.2021)

Global Climate Crisis

Weather extremes are on the rise worldwide. Rising sea levels and heavy rains are leading to devastating floods. Most researchers agree: These are consequences of climate change. But what can people do to protect themselves against them?
(Deutsche Welle, 13.12.2021)


Flood disaster

Consequences of the flood disaster "We need more disaster preparedness" (Generalanzeiger Bonn, 26.07.2021)

Climate Change

Interview on global warming Uni Bonn offers lecture series on climate change
(Generalanzeiger Bonn, 05.11.2019)


  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK - Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of "Erdkunde", Bonn
  • Member of the Editorial Board of GeoHazards (MDPI)
  • Associate Editor of Geografiska Annaler, Series A, Physical Geography (Wiley)
  • Member of the Editorial Board of "Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft" (Wien)
  • Member of Editorial Board of "Salzburger Geographische Mitteilungen"
  • Member of the Editorial Board of "The Open Geology Journal"
  • Board member of the German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction (DKKV)
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Geomorphologists (2010-2014)
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the International Permafrost Association (2012-2016)
  • Additional member of the of the Executive Board of the Austrian Geological Society
  • Deputy head of Department of Geography and Geology
  • Deputy head of 'Salzburger Geographische Gesellschaft'
  • Deputy head of 'Verband der wissenschaftlichen Geographie Österreichs'
  • Member of "wissenschaftlicher Beirat des Deutschen Arbeitskreises für Geomorphologie"
  • Chair of Working Group "Geomorphology and Earth System Science" der International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) (2005-2009)
  • Geomorphology
  • Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie
  • Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
  • The Open Geology Journal
  • Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research
  • Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences
  • Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft
  • Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
  • Permafrost and Periglacial Processes
  • Quarternary Science Review
  • Natural Hazards
  • Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift (Norwegian Journal of Geography)
  • Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France
  • Journal of Applied Geophysics
  • Ecl. Geol. Helv.
  • South African Journal of Sciences
  • Revista Geológica de Chile
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
  • European Commission
  • IUCN (World Conservation Union)
  • NSF (National Science Foundation)
  • Norwegian Research Council
  • Austrian Academy of Science

Other publications





Extended Abstracts

Book reviews

Final reports



  • Schrott. L. (2003): Sedimentspeicher alpiner Geosysteme. Kumulative Habilitationsschrift mit zehn Aufsätzen (publiziert) und einer ausführlichen wissenschaftlichen Erläuterung von 64pp. (unveröffentlicht), Math.-Nat. Fakultät, Universität Bonn.
  • Schrott, L. (1994): Die Solarstrahlung als steuernder Faktor im Geosystem der subtropischen semiariden Hochanden (Agua Negra, San Juan, Argentinien). Heidelberger Geographische Arbeiten, Heft 94, 199 pp. (Dissertation)
  • Schrott, L. (1988): Messungen von Bodentemperarturen in der periglazialen Höhenstufe am Aconcagua, argentinische Hochkordillere, Staatsexamensarbeit (unveröffentlicht), Geographisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg, 98pp.



Information coming soon



  • Pasuto, A. & Schrott, L. (1999): Eurolandslide – a visual journey through European mass movements, CD-ROM (see demo-version), CNR – IRPI, Padova.



  • STEYRER, H., Hejl, E., Ibetsberger, H. & Schrott, L. (2011) (Hrsg.): Hohe Tauern. Naturkundliche Exkursionen. Pfeil Verlag, München.
  • Götz, J. & Schrott, L. (2010) (Hrsg.): Das Reintal - Ein geomorphologischer Lehrpfad am Fuße der Zugspitze. Pfeil Verlag, München.
  • Otto, J.-C. & Schrott, L. (2010) (Hrsg.): Quantifizierung von rezenten und postglazialen Sedimentflüssen in den Ostalpen. Salzburger Geographische Arbeiten, Bd. 46, 110 Seiten.
  • Schrott, L., Ibetsberger, H., Steyrer, H.-P. & Hejl, E. (2008) (Hrsg.): Salzburg und Umgebung. Neun Geo-Exkursionen. Natur- und Kulturerlebnisführer der Universität Salzburg, Bd1. Verlag Kiebitz Buch.
  • since 2006 co-editor of "Salzburger Geographische Arbeiten", University of Salzburg
  • *Schmidt, K.-H., Becht, M., Eitel, B. & Schrott, L. (2005) (Eds.): Geomorphology in environmental application (Mountain Geomorphology, Mass movements, Fluvial Geomorphology), Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementband 138, 234pp.
  • *Schrott, L., Hoerdt, A. & Dikau, R. (2003) (Eds.): Geophysical applications in Geomorphology. - In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementband 132, 190pp (plus 1 CD-ROM).
  • *Schrott, L. & Pasuto, A. (1999) (Eds.): The temporal stability and activity of landslides with respect to climatic change. Special Issue, Geomorphology, Vol. 30, No.1-2, 211 pp.
  • *Dikau, R., Brunsden, D., Schrott, L., & Ibsen, M.-L. (1996) (Eds.): Landslide Recognition. Identification, Movement and Causes. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 251 pp.


Extended Abstracts (selection):

  • Hartmeyer, I., Prasicek, G., Geilhausen, M. & Schrott, L. (2007): A sediment budget of a sandur in the forefield of the Pasterze glacier (Upper Tauern, Austria). - In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9,  SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-10872.
  • Ebohon, B., Formayer, H. & Schrott, L. (2007): Modelling mountain permafrost distribution - towards a permafrost map of Austria. - In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9,  SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-10867.
  • Schrott, L., Sass, O., Götz, J. & Geilhausen, M. (2007): Sediment storage in alpine basins - quantification and geomorphic (de)coupling. - In:  Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9,  SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-10852.
  • Götz, J. & Schrott, L.(2007): Comparing short and long term sediment fluxes in an Alpine Basin (Reintal, Bavarian Alps). -In:  Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9,  SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-05624.
  • Krautblatter, M., Moser, M., Schrott, L. & Wolf, J. (2007): A detailed record of sediment transfer and geomorphic work of small, medium and high-magnitude rockfalls in an Alpine catchment (Reintal, Germany). - In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9,  SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-08980.
  • Schrott, L. (2005): Geophysical applications in geomorphology: advances and limitations. - In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
  • Schneevoigt, N.J., Schrott, L., & Thamm, H.-P. (2005): To what extend can Alpine landforms be predicted by remotely sensed imagery (Reintal, Bavarian Alps)?.- In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
  • Schrott, L. (2005): Spatio-temporal variability and quantification of sediment transfer and storage in an Alpine basin. - In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
  • Clow, D.W., Sueker, J.K., Schrott, L. & Michel, R.L. (2005): Groundwater occurrence, age, and contribution to streamflow in an alpine basin in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, Geological Society of Americ, Abstracts, Vol. 37, No.7, p. 106.
  • Schrott, L., Götz, J. & Geilhausen, M. (2005): Spatio-temporal variability of sediment transfer and storage in an Alpine basin (Bavarian Alps, Germany). - In: Abstracts Volume, Sixth International Conference on Geomorphology, Zaragoza, 142.
  • Schrott, L. (2002): Sediment storage in alpine valleys: variability and quantification. - In: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 34, No. 6.
  • Schrott, L. (1999): The hydrological significance of mountain permafrost in the semiarid Andes. - Price, M., Mather, T. H. & Robertson, E.C. (Eds.): Global change in the mountains: proceedings of the European Conference on environmental and societal change in mountain regions, Oxford, UK, 18-20 December 1997, 199-201.
  • Schrott, L. (1997): Water storage of permafrost in the semiarid Andes. - In: Supplementi di Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quarternaria’ Supplemento III, Tomo 1, 346.
  • Dikau, R. & Schrott, L. (1997): The temporal stability and activity of landslides in Europe with respect to climatic change (TESLEC). - In: Supplementi di Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quarternaria’ Supplemento III, Tomo 1, 148.
  • Dikau, R. & Schrott, L. (1996): Scales of rainfall triggers and landsliding. - In: EGS, Annales Geophysicae. Part I, Suppl. I,Vol. 14, 274.
  • Schrott, L. (1994): Mountain permafrost hydrology and its dependence on landform and solar radiation. An example from the high Andes, San Juan, Argentina.- In: Terra Nostra Bd. 2, 14. Geowissenschaftliches Lateinamerika -Kolloquium, 72.
  • Happoldt, H. & Schrott, L. (1993): Horcones Inferior - Galcier Surge. - In: Haeberli, W. and M. Hölzle (eds.): Fluctuations of Glaciers 1985-1990, IAHS (ICSI)/UNEP/UNESCO, 70, Paris.


Book reviews:

  • 2005:

Buhman, Erich & Ervin, Stephen (2003) (Eds.): Trend in Landscape Modeling. Wichmann, Heidelberg, 269pp. (Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, eingereicht)

  • 2004:

Miehe, Georg & Yili, Zhang (2000) (Eds.): Environmental Changes in High Asia. Proceedings of an International Symposium at the University of Marburg. Marburger Geographische Schriften 135, 395pp. (Erdkunde 2004, Bd. 57).

  • 2004:

Iturrizaga, Lasafam (1999): Die Schuttkörper in Hochasien. Eine geomorphologische Bestandsaufnahme und Typologie postglazialer Hochgebirgsschuttkörper im Hindukusch, Karakorum und Himalaya. Göttinger Geographische Abhandlungen, Heft 106. 325 S. (Erdkunde 2004, Bd. 57).

  • 1998:

Rusgen, David (1997): Applied river morphology, Widland Hydrology, Colorado, 390pp. (Erdkunde 52, S. 335-337.)

  • 1997:

Blättler, Regine (1995): Rezente fluviale Morphodynamik im Stubaital/Tirol. Würzburger Geographische Arbeiten, Heft 90, 300pp. (Erdkunde, Bd. 51, 68.)


Final reports:

  • Schrott, L., Otto, J.-C., Rosner, M.-L. & Keller, F. (2011): Permalp - Abschlussbericht. Fachbereich Geographie und Geologie, Universität Salzburg und Academia Engiadina.
  • Tunnicliffe, J. , Burn, C., Becker, A., Finlay, P., Hayashi, K. & Schrott, L. (2011): Inuvik airport geophysics investigation: Final report. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa/Canada, 35p.
  • Ebohon, B. & Schrott, L. (2010): Permafrost in den Hohen Tauern. Sonnblick - Observatorium über den Wolken. Wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten 2010. Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Wien.
  • Schrott, L. & Götz, J. (2009): Die Rolle von Sedimentspeichern im geomorphologischen Prozessgefüge alpiner Kaskadensysteme. Abschlussbericht des DFG-Projektes (Schr 648/1-3), Salzburg, 11pp.
  • Schrott, L., Hufschmidt, G., Thamm, H.-P. & Otto, J.C. (2003): Die Rolle von Sedimentspeichern im geomorphologischen Prozessgefüge alpiner Kaskadensysteme. Bericht der 2.Antragsphase des DFG-Projektes (Schr 648/1-2), Bonn, 20pp.
  • Trombotto, D. & Schrott, L. (2001): Alpine permafrost mapping in South America (Andean Permafrost). In: Etzelmüller, B. & M. Hoelzle (Eds.): Mapping and modelling the occurrence and distribution of mountain permafrost. IPA - Task Force, Status report (Draft and working document to be discussed during the First European Conference on Permafrost, Rome, March 2001), 19pp.
  • Schrott, L., Hankammer, M., Hufschmidt, G., Hoffmann, T. & Dikau, R. (2001): Die Rolle von Sedimentspeichern im geomorphologischen Prozessgefüge alpiner Kaskadensysteme. Bericht der 1.Antragsphase des DFG-Projektes (Schr 648/1-1), Bonn, 24pp.
  • Schrott, L., Adams, T. Schriewer, E. & Dikau, R. (1999): Das zeitliche Auftreten (Frequenz) von Massenbewegungen in den Dolomiten und ihr Beitrag zur Reliefentwicklung. Abschlußbericht des VIGONI Projektes (314-dr), Universität Bonn, 17pp.
  • Dikau, R., Schrott, L., Dehn, M., Hennrich, K., Ibsen, M.-L. & Rasemannn, S. (1996) (Eds.): The temporal stability and activity of landslides with respect to climatic change (TESLEC). Final report of the CEC Environment programme, Contract No. EV5V-CT94-0454, Part I (Summary Report), 208pp.
  • Dikau, R., Schrott, L., Dehn, M., Hennrich, K. & Rasemannn, S. (1996) (Eds.): The temporal stability and activity of landslides with respect to climatic change (TESLEC). Final report of the CEC Environment programme, Contract No. EV5V-CT94-0454, Part II (National Reports), 408pp.
  • Dehn, M., Hennrich, K., Dikau, R., Schrott, L., Adams, T. & Hoffmann, T. (1998): National Report. - In: J. Corominas, J. Moya, A. Ledesma, J.A. Gili, A. Lloret & J. Rius (Eds.): New technologies for landslide hazard assessment and management in Europe (NEWTECH). CEC Environment programme, Contract No. ENV-CT96-0248, 284-306.



  • Glossary zu Begriffen der Modellierung und Systemanalyse in der Geomorphologie. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Sedimentbudgets
  • CD-ROM (Eurolandslides)
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