
Prof. Dr. Sabine Tröger

Professor emerita

in retirement since April 1, 2020

Research fields

Social Geography & Geographic Development Research

In her research and teaching Prof. Dr. Troeger has been and is directed by paradigms of geographic development research and here especially by perspectives of livelihood and vulnerability analyses. Explicit emphasis is put on questions of climate change adaptation and sustainability perspectives focusing urges of environmental and social justice. In didactical and methodological terms Sabine Troeger especially emphasizes various approaches of participatory action and research. In the named fields she has targeted the practical implementation level and individual actors on the ground, the regional and project level and various development and respective research activities, and likewise the university level and academic discourses as well as international exchange fora.

Avatar Tröger

Prof. Dr. Sabine Tröger


Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

University of Bonn
Department of Geography
Social Geography & Geographic Development Research

A boy with a herd of cows in an African desert
© Johanna Pfitzner

Curriculum Vitae

Academic career and experience abroad.

Ms. Tröger speaking at a lectern in the lecture hall
© Friederike Pauk/GIUB

Selected Talks

A list of selected talks.

Two women of colour are looking at a piece of paper with lowered eyes
© Sabine Tröger/GIUB

Selected Publications

A list of selected publications.

African research group is sitting on the ground in the field while writing something on a poster
© Sabine Tröger/GIUB

PhD Theses

The list of current and completed PhD supervisions.

Group picture of the excursion group in Ethiopia
© Florian Klimesch


The variety of undergraduate and graduate courses. 

Prof. Teröger working as a consultant
© Sabine Tröger


A list of consultant activities.

Curriculum Vitae

August 2023
Incentive: DAAD Herder Professorship
1 week teaching at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta / Indonesia

March 2002 – March 2020
Professor of Social Geography / Geographic Development Researchat the Institute for Geography, University of Bonn

Winter Term 2001/02
Acting Professor in Didactics of Geography at the Institute for Geography, University of Bayreuth

University Assistant (C1) at the Institute for Geography, University of Bayreuth, Department: Didactics of Geography (09/1996 – 08/1998 on parental leave)

Summer Term 1991
University teaching position (‘Lehraufträge’) at the Institute for Geography, Technical University Berlin (Preparation for Practical Training, Coaching in Schools)

1986 – 1991
Lecturer at the Institute for Geography, Technical University of Berlin, Department: Didactics of Geography

  • Certificate in ‘Practicing Environmental Peacebuilding – A systemic environmental approach for peace and conflict work’. Training: forum ZFD
  • Research evaluation: since Oct. 2019 until 2021 - central member of the evaluation team in DAAD funding program: Climate Research Alumni and PostDocs in Africa / project evaluation at OeAD, Department for International Cooperation in Higher Education (Vienna, Austria) March/April 2021.
  • Actor oriented analysis of processes of Societal Transformation and crises in Africa: emphasis on climate change and adaptation, food insecurity and food crisis, HIV-AIDS.
  • Conflict analysis and mediation: resource conflicts/conflicts in contested arenas (forced evictions, re-allocation of land, privatization and resettlement, environmental threats/risks).
  • Livelihood and vulnerability analyses: explicit emphasis on climate change adaptation and sustainability perspectives, environmental and social justice.
  • Approaches in Transformative Research (PRA, PAR, inquiry as performance: video work); moderation techniques.
  • Didactics: teaching & training concepts and their practical application (including design of didactical material and media development); curriculum & module development in fields of social sciences.
  • Special emphasis on and experience in methodology training in qualitative empirical research.
  • Experience in the field of GTZ/GIZ and BMZ (Ministry of Development and Cooperation): consultancy contracts in various regional - Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Ecuador - contexts and thematic foci.
  • Special emphasis on a GTZ/GIZ-Cim (Center for International Migration) engagement in Ethiopia as advisor and department head ‘Climate Change Adaptation’ at HoAREC (Horn of Africa Regional Environment Center - University of Addis Ababa).
  • Establishment of the named department at HoAREC. In this context: Initiator and head of the Climate Change Adaptation project funded by the German Embassy in pastoralists environment in the Lower Omo Valley/Ethiopia).
  • Initiator and head of university cooperation initiatives with Arba Minch University (DAAD Advisory Contract: 2016-2018) and Jinka University (DAAD Fact Finding Mission: July - December 2018) Ethiopia.

Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ecuador, Greenland, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania (about 3 years field research for habilitation thesis), Malawi and Namibia – all together approx. 16 years

Selected Talks

Societal Transformation – The urge for Social Justice (keynote)

Date: Sept. 19-23, 2022

Conference: Summer School in Lusaka, Zambia (VW foundation): ‘Spaces for Future: Processes of Rural and Urban Transformation in Southern Africa'

Pastoralist Societies in Lower Omo – Dynamics in Societal Transformation

Date: July 28, 2019

Conference: Oromo Studies Association (OSA) Conference, Addis Ababa

Lands of the Future: Governance – A Pastoralist Interpretation from the Lower Omo, Mekelle/Ethiopia

Date: Oct. 3, 2018

Conference: 20th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies (ICES20) (Congress Journey funded by DAAD)

Adapting Livestock Systems to Climate Change – Examples from Ethiopia & Panelist

Date: Feb. 1, 2011

Conference: Delhi Sustainable Development Summit: Tapping Local Initiatives and Tracking Global Inertia, New Delhi, IPCC 2014 - Lead Authors Meeting on Regional Examples

‘Everything that is happening now is beyond our capacity! – Nyangatom Livelihoods under Threat’

Date: July 20, 2011

Conference: Workshop on Indigenous Peoples, Marginal Populations and Climate Change: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Traditional Knowledge, New Mexico, IPCC 2014 - Lead Authors Meeting on Regional Examples

Selected Publications

Just Societal Transformation: Perspectives of Pastoralists in the Lower OmoValley in Ethiopia.

Tröger, S. (2021)

In: W. Leal Filho et al (eds), African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation, Springer

‘Committees’, a Promising Institution in Climate Change Communication and Adaptation?

Tröger, S. (2018)

In: W. Leal et al. (eds): Handbook of Climate Change Communication: Vol. 2, Chapt. 22, pp 341-355. Springer, Climate Change Management

Failing Seasons, Ailing Societies – Climate Change and Adaptation in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa (study with 8 German students & 18 Woreda (district) DAs)

Tröger, S. (2012)

Handeln zur Ernährungssicherheit im Zeichen gesellschaftlichen Umbruchs – Untersuchungen auf dem Ufipa-Plateau im Südwesten Tansanias

Tröger, S. (2004)

Saarbrücken, Breitenbach Verlag (= Geographische Entwicklungsforschung 27) – Habilitation Thesis.

In total there are around 85 publications from Prof. Tröger published. More details can be found in her CV8.

PhD Theses

Current PhD supervisions

Daniel Schmitt (Germany):
Societal Transformation – Interlinkages between digital innovation and globalized dynamics in the shadow of changing fields of power – spatialized case studies from Africa
Group picture of a conference group in Africa
© Daniel Schmitt
Group meeting in a backyard in Africa
© Edna Agyepong

Completed PhD supervisions

Edna Agyepong (2022): Displacement, land scarcity, and processes of societal transformation. Social constructions and dynamics in the meaning of ‘land’ around Ghana’s Bui Dam.

Aymar Godfried Koukoubou (2021): Handeln in riskanten Umwelten – Überlebenssicherung um welchen Preis? Das Beispiel der Region Atakora in Nord Benin.

Darius Tounianuo Mwingyine (2019): Emergent Land Commodification and Intergenerational Land Relations in Peri-Urban Nortwestern Ghana.

Felix Guntermann (2019): Addis Abeba Airport zwischen Globalisierung und Fragmentierung – Ein Hub in Raum und Zeit.

Steven Ataamvari Adaawen (2015): Narratives of Migration – Complex Answers of a Society in Transformation, Ghana.

 Till Winkelmann (2013): Risikowahrnehmung, - interpretation und -handeln im Kontext von HIV/AIDS und gesellschaftlicher Transformation. Untersuchungen im urbanen Raum von Addis Abeba/Äthiopien.

Sewmehon Demissi Tegegne (2012): Livestock Water Productivity (LWP) improvement in the mixed crop-livestock system of Ethiopian Highlands, Amhara Region: a gendered sustainable livelihood approach to target LWP interventions for rural poverty reduction.


Selected courses (seminars and lectures, in English)

Globalization, Fragmentation and Transformation: Benchmarks in Geography Discourses – Master Course: Winter Term 2019/2020 (4 hours/week)
Inequality and Development in the Age of Globalization – Dialogues between Science and Practice – Master Course: Winter Term 2014/2015

Methodology Training:
Philosophies and approaches in reflexive research in geography – Master Course: Winter Term 2019/2020
‘Participation’ – Methodological approaches and instruments in critical-emancipatory perspective – Master Course: Winter Term 2018/2019
Introduction to Visual Methodologies – Master Course: Summer Term 2017
Participation in socio-political terms and methodological operationalization perspectives: research and practice – Master Course: Winter Term 2014/2015

Field Trip:
Ethiopia (17 days) – Master Course: Summer Term 2017

Project Seminar:
Refugees facing the challenge of securing their livelihoods in Bonn: A differentiated actor analysis – Master Course: Summer Term 2019 (6 hours/week)

Group meeting on the ground of a cabin in Africa
© Sabine Tröger/GIUB

Prof. Tröger working as a consultant
© Sabine Tröger

Consultant Activities

September - December 2023
GIZ – FABRIC Consultancy
Introduction of and training on the PRA participatory approach – training of garment workers of the Textile Industry Cambodia – as service delivery at the WE House (Women Empowerment) via organizational and capacity development.

July 2022
DAAD cooperation: member of the evaluating team in DAAD funding programs ClimapAfrica & Leadership program

2019 - 2021
member of evaluating team in DAAD funding program: Climate Research Alumni and PostDocs in Africa - climapAfrica (esp. WASCAL & SASSCAL)

July - Dec 2018
DAAD University Cooperation, here: Fact Finding Mission; Project Head, Cooperation with Jinka University / Ethiopia, Regional focus: Lower Omo Valley, Project Partners: Prof. Dr. Gebre Yntiso (President), Dr. Dikaso Gojamme (Vice President)

July 2016 - June 2018
DAAD ‘Hochschulberatervertrag’ (University Advisor Contract) – Arba Minch University (coop. project on Curriculum Development & Coaching in the field of social sciences with Arba Minch University / Ethiopia)

December 2007 - November 2008:
GTZ/APE (African Parks Ethiopia) consultancy on:  Backstopping of communication and mediation process and training of field staff (moderators, facilitators from ethnic communities);

May - October 2007:
GTZ/APF (African Parks Ethiopia) consultancy: “Development of a concept for  conflict mediation and participatory planning, communication and coordination” in the context of the land right conflict Omo-National-Park/ south Ethiopia.

Since 2007:
Consultant for DFG (German Research Foundation): evaluation of research applications

March 2006:
Consultant for the allocation of studentships for the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

November 2004:
Consultant for the allocation of studentships for the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

April - May 2004:
Overview on the socio-cultural Dimension of the concept of ‘Sustainability’ according to Rio 1992 (consultancy by ‘Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung (ISB) – together with Prof. Dr. Theo Rauch / FU Berlin

Consultant for the GTZ-project „Sociopolitical Counseling in Malawi” - 4th until 15th of May 1998: Training and instructions for 18 students of sociology from the Netherlands and Malawi for their field work with participatory research methodology (esp.PRA).

1993 - 1994:
Consultant / Trainer for the GTZ-IFSP (Integrated Food Security Program) in Sumbawanga/ Tanzania. Terms: Conception and evaluation of Target-Group PRA-Approach, training and coaching of field staff, revision and adaptation of conceptual approach

1992 - 1997:
Research fellow of the project „Identity in Africa“ sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in Bayreuth. Fieldwork: 3 years all together. The research-data was analyzed in the context of the Habilitation-Thesis.

2 months fieldwork within the context of the GTZ-Project for “Bilingual Teaching at Primary Schools” in the Paramo (highland) of Ecuador (EBI), Consultancy of the Ministry for Development Cooperation (BMZ) of the German Government. Terms: Development  and design of teaching material on development cooperation to be used in German schools.

3,5 months fieldwork in 2 GTZ-Projects in Zimbabwe (CARD) and  Zambia (IRDP). Consultancy for GTZ. Terms: Development and design of teaching material on development cooperation to be used in German schools.

 Short Curricumlum Vitae of Prof. Sabine Tröger

If you need more information on the academic career, research and publications of Prof. Dr. Tröger, you can download her CV here.

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