Apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Butsch

Research associate

Current note

All office hours and appointment information: https://xoyondo.com/su/npkgm5adf8jci7n

Fields of work and research

Fields of work

  • Teaching in bachelor's and master's degree programs
  • Supervision of final theses
  • Project management

Research Areas

  • Geography of Health
  • Geographical Development Research
  • Urban Geography
  • Migration Studies
  • Geographical Risk Research
  • India
Avatar Butsch

Apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Butsch

0.051 (135)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Curriculum vitae

Since 6/2022: Research associate at the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn

4/2021 – 3/2022: Substitute of the professorship for geographic development research (successor Prof. Dr. J. Verne) at the University of Bonn

10/2020 – 5/2022: Lecturer for special tasks at the Department of Geography at the University of Cologne

4/2020 – 7/2020: Substitute of the professorship for human geography (successor Prof. Dr. H. Gebhardt) at the Department of Geography at the University of Heidelberg

9/2018 – 9/2020: Research associate at the Department of Geography at the University of Cologne in a Belmont Forum/Norface-Project

3/2018 – 2/2019: Research associate at the Department of Geography at the University of Cologne (professorship Prof. Dr. F. Kraas)

1/2015 – 2/2018: Research associate at the Department of Geography at the University of Cologne in the project „Transnationales Handeln indischer Migranten in Deutschland“, funded by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)

11/2007 – 12/2014: Research associate at the Department of Geography at the University of Cologne (professorship Prof. Dr. F. Kraas)

6/2006 – 7/2007: Research associate at the Department of Geography at the University of Cologne (professorship Prof. Dr. F. Kraas)

11/2005 – 5/2006: Student assistant, Klinik am Eichert, Göppingen (Prof. Dr. M. Fischer)

10/2001 – 9/2005: Student assistant, University of Bonn (Prof. Dr. E. Ehlers, Prof. Dr. R. Grotz)


6/2013 – 6/2018: University of Cologne; title: „Indische Migrant*innen in Deutschland. Transnationale Netzwerke, Praktiken und Identitäten.“ 


1/2007 – 5/2011: University of Cologne; title: „Zugang zu Gesundheitsdienstleistungen in der entstehenden Megastadt Pune“. 


10/2000 – 4/2006: University of Bonn, Geography (diploma), minor subjects: Urban Development, Agricultural and Environmental Economics; final thesis title: „Notfalldaten als Geodatenquelle für die Gesundheitsberichterstattung. Nutzungsmöglichkeiten und Limitierungen am Beispiel der EU Injury Database.“

  • Seit 1/2021: Speaker of the Global Urban Health Research Group of the Global Health Hub Germany
  • Since 12/2020: Member of the advisory council of the journal ERDKUNDE
  • Since 6/2020: Member of the "Interdisciplinary Commission Pandemic Research" of the German Research Foundation" (DFG)
  • Since 1/2018: Boardmember of the association of Geographers at German-speaking universities and research institutions (VDGH); Co-management of the geographical office (1/2018 – 4/2022)
  • Since 10/2016: Secretary of the association for the promotion health geography (Verein zur Förderung der Geographischen Gesundheitsforschung)
  • Since 9/2016: Speaker of the Medical Geography Study Group in the German Geographic Society (Arbeitskreis Medizinische Geographie und Geographische Gesundheitsforschung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie)
  • 3/2013 – 4/2019: Chairman of the Cologne Geographic Society (Gesellschaft für Erdkunde)
  • Since 1/2011: Speaker of the South Asia Study Group in the Germen Geographic Society (Arbeitskreis Südasien in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie)


Until 8/2022 a total of 61 courses (25 in Master's programs, 33 in Bachelor's programs), two short-term lectureships in India (Master) and a summer school for doctoral students at the Universities of Cologne, Bonn, Heidelberg, Vienna as well as the Bharati Vidyapeeth University in Pune and the Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi.

Introductory, intermediate, and advanced/master's seminars, field internships in the bachelor's and master's degrees, also abroad, day excursions in the surrounding countryside, excursions of several days in Germany, large excursions to Asia

Topics: Human Geography, Urban Geography, Geographical Development Research, Geography of Health, Migration Studies, Geographical Risk Research, methods

Selected publications

Planning for Livelihoods Under Hydrosocial Uncertainty in Periurban Pune.

Luft, S. und Butsch, C. (2022)

Frontiers in Water 4: 831464. DOI: 10.3389/frwa.2022.831464

Transnationale Praktiken indischer Migrantinnen und Migranten in Deutschland.

Butsch, C. (2019)

Stuttgart (Erdkundliches Wissen Band 164).

Das Geographische Seminar: Medizinische Geographie.

Kistemann, T. Schweikart, J. und C. Butsch (2019)


Risk Governance in the Megacity Mumbai/India – A Complex Adaptive System Perspective.

Butsch, C., Kraas, F., Sridharan, N. und G. Peters (2016)

Habitat International 54 (2): 100-111.

Zugang zu Gesundheitsdienstleistungen. Barrieren und Anreize in Pune, Indien.

Butsch, C. (2011)


Total (status: 8/2022) six monographs, 31 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 13 articles in edited volumes, 29 other publications



A total of seven successful acquisitions of third-party funds/award money with a total funding amount of € 1,004,233.

In addition, according to verbal preliminary information, approved (subject to positive vote of the ethics committee at the University of Cologne) DFG grant: Migrant health understandings and practices in diverse neighborhoods (€ 243,149 for 36 months).

University of Cologne, internal funding in the amount of € 15,750.

The project analyses transformation processes in urban fringe areas of Indian metropolitan cities. It aims at understanding how access to water as a consumption good and a resource for livelihoods is changed during the urbanisation process in periurban spaces. The project is structured around 4 research objectives: (1) understanding institutional change of water governance, (2) analysing changing access to water with changing societal structures, (3) analysing livelihood changes during the urban transformation and the resulting changing water demands; (4) Co-developing transformation pathways for sustainable water management in urban fringe areas.
The project is designed as a multi-sited multi-method field study comparing the urban fringe areas of Kolkata, Pune and Hyderabad. Through its design, the research contributes understanding into the drivers of vulnerability and resilience of periurban communities, and helps to identify more sustainable future pathways. The project aims at initiating a stakeholder dialogue in all of the three research areas. Workshops will include government agencies, local communities and key scientific experts that bring in further knowledge needed in addition to the knowledge generated by the project researchers.
The project generates new insights on how urbanisation processes take place in India. It identifies pathways towards the development of sustainable future cities as part of the stakeholder dialogue. It contributes to the knowledge on the sustainable use of water as an increasingly scarce resource.

Funded by Belmont Forum/BMBF


Migrantische Gesundheitsverständnisse und -praktiken in diversen Quartieren (Migrant understandings of health and their health related practices in diverse neighbourhoods)

Despite the increasing proportion of the population with a migration background in Germany, comparatively little is known about the specific health needs and disease burden of these population groups and their crucial determinants. The same applies to the concrete health practices of migrants, which are significantly shaped by individual cultural understandings of health and have a great influence on health status. The project investigates health practices in migrant urban neighborhoods and aims at the theoretical-conceptual further development of culturally shaped explanatory models of health, illness and healing. From a practice-theoretical perspective, the emergence of "medical diversity," i.e., the development of one's own concepts of health and illness from various existing concepts, as well as the resulting access to and utilization of health services, is examined.

The guiding question is: Why and to what extent do different understandings of health and illness influence migrants' health practices and health care structures? Using a mixed-methods research approach, four thematic complexes are investigated: (1) migrant health practices, (2) culturally shaped understandings of health and illness, (3) migrant "medical diversity" in diverse settings, (4) health practices and structures.

The study will be conducted in the two urban neighborhoods of Bonn Neu-Tannenbusch and Cologne-Mülheim, which are characterized by a high diversity of origin. In three work phases, methods of quantitative and qualitative social research and participatory research will be combined with a sequential integration. Thus, a deeper understanding of migrant health will be gained and a concept for the emergence of health practices in diverse neighborhoods will be developed.

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