Cartography & Media Design
This key institution deals with presenting geographically relevant content in visual form. Its activities include creating maps, charts and illustrations for academic publications and projects as well as for the department’s website or social media channels. Digital photography supplies material for public relations work and helps to document the department’s history. Digital assets are managed in a media database to ensure that the extensive pool of data can be used efficiently.
Cartography and GIS
Map production from the editorial concept through to creating the final print file
Map-related visualizations
GIS applications
Geodata management
Providing software training
Media Design
Designing and creating infographics
Layouting for research and public relations work
Designing logos for projects and working groups
Illustrating academic and scientific content
Creating dynamic charts and maps
Introduction to designing scientific posters
Photography and Technology
Photographs and documentation on the department’s history
Image processing
Digitizing archive collections
Administering the media database
Scanning slides through to large-scale maps and plotting for all formats
Website editing