Laboratories and testing facilities
The Department of Geography has various laboratories and testing facilities that are used for research and teaching. The laboratories are located in the department’s basement, while other testing facilities such as the laboratory flume, a weather station and a hydrological measuring weir are based at the Frankenforst research site.
Analyses for research projects or (doctoral) theses in the fields of soil physics, soil chemistry and water chemistry are conducted in the Department of Geography’s laboratories. Besides its main chemistry laboratory, the department also has a laboratory for soil physics as well as other laboratories used by the various working groups.
Students can familiarize themselves with a variety of laboratory methods in methodological and project seminars and analyze water, soil and sediment samples independently. The laboratories can also be used to process samples for bachelor’s or master’s theses.
More on the laboratories
Soil chemical analyses:
- Carbonate analyses (Scheibler)
- Cation exchange capacity
- Metals with Photomer
- Anions with IC
- pH
- Electric conductivity
- Orthophosphate (with Photometer)
- Soil organic content (glow residue)
Water chemical analyses:
- pH
- Electric conductivity
- Acid and alkali capacities
- Anions with IC (NO3, NO2, SO4, Cl)
- Total and orthophosphate
- Metals with AAS
Room: 042
Dendroecology laboratory
- Room: 009
- Contact person: Prof. Jörg Löffler
Landscape ecology laboratories
- Room: 008, 023, 025
- Contact person: Prof. Jörg Löffler
Frankenforst research site
Since 1999 the Frankenforst agricultural teaching and research site is used for research and teaching conducted by the Department of Geography. Various hydrological and climatological measuring stations have been set up for teaching and research purposes. Also open-profile pits for soil analysis can be found there. The Frankenforst research site situated on the right bank of the Rhine, around 10 km south-east of Bonn.
Departmental weather station
The departmental weather station is mainly used for teaching purposes and measures various climate parameters such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, sunlight and wind direction/speed. Soil sensors are also installed to record the temperature and moisture content of the soil.
Dr. Simone Giertz
0.034 (110)
Meckenheimer Allee 166
53115 Bonn
Dr. Anna Schoch-Baumann
0.035 (109)
Meckenheimer Allee 166
53115 Bonn