

The archive of the Geographical Institute preserves historical documents on the history of the institute and selected former members. These are predominantly non-printed documents such as letters, manuscripts, diaries or photos.


Most of the archive’s holdings are (partial) bequests by the geographers Alfred Philippson, Carl Troll and Wilhelm Lauer as well as numerous items forming part of the estates of A. Rühl, R. Stickel, F. v. Richthofen, K. Wien, R. Schottenloher, P. Fickeler and E. Schmidt-Kraepelin, among others. For Eberhard Mayer a biographical approach is available (Link to pdf (18,1MB)1). Few of the archived documents were generated in the course of the department’s own business.

Various documents relating to Carl Troll lie scattered on a table
© Friederike Pauk/GIUB
Black-and-white pictures of Carl Troll, Alfred Philippson and Wilhelm Lauer
© Archiv GIUB & Armin Staudt

Online reference catalogs

The major bequests by A. Philippson, C. Troll and W. can be searched by using online reference catalogs. 

To the online reference catalog for the partial bequest by A. Philippson2

To the online reference catalogs for the partial bequest by C. Troll3

To the online reference catalogs for the partial bequest by W. Lauer4

Access is via bonndoc5.

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