
Map collection

The map collection can be used through the library service. Information on holdings and usage can be found below.

Map holdings

There are some 100,000 maps in the map collection, which includes both map series and individual maps. The library holds all official topographical map series from the TK25 to the IWK for the territory of the former West Germany plus a series of special maps and themed maps for a number of regions (such as the Rhineland). These themed maps also include extensive holdings of geological maps with their explanatory reports, particularly for the territory of the former West Germany. You can search for maps in the same way as other works via Bonnus.

Stacks of maps in the library
© Antje Pellowski/GIUB
Close up of physical wall map of the earth
© Friederike Pauk/GIUB

Map archive

The historical map holdings are archived and managed by the Historical Geography working group. The map series contained in the map archive include:

  • Tranchot/ von Müffling - Aufnahme rheinischer Gebiete (1801-1820)
  • Preußische Uraufnahme NRW (~1845)
  • Preußische Neuaufnahme (1895-1913) (1:25.000)
  • Niveaukarte vom Kurfürstentum Hessen (1840-1861) (1:25.000)
  • Karte vom Großherzogtum Hessen (1832-1850) (1:50.000)
  • Karte vom Kurfürstentum Hessen (1840-1855) (1:50.000)
  • Kurhannoversche Landesaufnahme des 18. Jhd. (1764-1786) (1:25.000)
  • Ältere Auflagen der Topographischen Karte TK 25 (1:25.000)

Weblinks to maps, aerial photographs and satellite images

OpenStreetMap is a project to create a free world map from data collected by the general public. Anyone can get involved and can use the OpenStreetMap data without paying any licensing fees and process it further however they like.


Produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Explorer is a good way to obtain satellite data. You will need to register before you can download images and data.


Copernicus is a European earth observation program for providing a wide range of geoinformation. 


The IFL’s archive contains around 200 items bequeathed and donated by geographers, explorers and institutions.


The EO Browser has an extensive database that can be searched and used to compare images from various Sentinels. 


Created and kept up to date by many different organizations, this land cover map shows the various forms of land cover around the globe. 


TIM-online is an online service provided by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) that makes official maps and other official data publicly available.


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