Katharina Höreth
Research interest
- Macro litter in large river systems (current research)
- Natural water resources and management (conflicts / mediation)
- Human-Water Interaction
Consultation hour: by appointment
B2 - Advanced Physical Geography Seminar (Höreth/Pamukçu Albers)
B2 - Geländepraktikum im Katzbachtal
B0 - 1-Tagesexkursion Physische Geographie
B15 - Introduction to Conservation and Management of Water Resources (Höreth/Pamukçu Albers)
B2 - Advanced Physical Geography Seminar (compact) (Höreth/Pamukçu Albers)
B2 - Geländepraktikum im Katzbachtal
B0 - 1-Tagesexkursion Physische Geographie
B2 - Advanced physical geography (Höreth/Pamukçu Alber)
B10 - 7-Tagesexkursion "Havel, Elbe, Hamburg - Wasser verbindet"
B2 - Advanced physical geography (Höreth/Pamukçu Alber)
B0 - 1-Tagesexkursion Physische Geographie
B2 - Physische Geographie Aufbau (Höreth)
B2 - Physische Geographie Aufbau (Höreth/Näschen)
Subramanian, S., Höreth, K., Sänger, N., Jara, D. & L. Becker (2022): Catchment, streams and sewers. Stregthening flood resilience in Bonn. Bonn Water Network, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). Link: https://doi.org/10.23661/r2.2022
2024/02 - Macro litter monitoring broadcastet in WDR Quarks "Die Plastikwende - Wie eine Zukunft ohne Müllberge gelingt"
2024/01 - Presentation of "Macro litter monitoring in the Rhine river, Cologne" at the "love your ocean initiative" at "Boot Düsseldorf"
2023/09 - Macro litter monitoring broadcasted by WDR "Sendung mit der Maus" in the episode about "RheinKrake"
2023/08 - Presentation at the "Worlds Large Rivers Conference" 2023 on "Quantitative Monitoring of Anthropogenic Debris Using a Litter Trap at the Rhine River in Cologne, Germany"
2023/05 - Contribution to an exhibit on MS Wissenschaft as part of "Der blaue Planet" about hydrological processes
2022/12 - Presentation of the excursion "Elbe, Havel, Hamburg - Wasser verbindet" together with students at Mittwochs im GIUB, University of Bonn, with the title "Die Welt durchs Objektiv – Potentiale und Herausforderungen der filmischen Exkursionsdokumentation" (Nauheim/Höreth)
2021/10 - Presentation of the report "Catchment, streams and sewers" at the 4th Global WOPs Congress together with S. Subramanian and N. Sänger as part of the BonnWaterNetwork