
Research group Prof. Herget - Paleohydrology and Geomorphology

The focus of our research lies upon the reconstruction of river floods. Thereby extreme events since the Pleistocene are investigated, for example outbursts of natural dam-lakes. Numerous historical floods are documented in respect of water levels; in order to interpret these floods for risk assessment and disaster prevention water levels have to be converted into peak discharges. Floods often leave specific small-scale morphological features in the landscape, which can be interpreted hydraulically by using methods of process-orientated research. Here these methods primarily comprise experiments in laboratory flumes.

Contact Information

Avatar Herget

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Herget

0.055 (312)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

Avatar Roggenkamp

Dr. Thomas Roggenkamp

U.045 (304)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

Avatar Both

M.Sc. Björn Both

0.056 (311) im Turm

Meckenheimer Allee 166

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