The article looks at the farmer protests in India in 2020/21 and the challenges that Indian farmers are still facing. These include land fragmentation, crop risks in the context of land degradation and climate change, and the impact of agricultural market liberalisation.
14. March 2024
New Publication: „No farmers, no food!“ Agriculture in India between agrarian crisis and economic liberalisation New Publication: „No farmers, no food!“ Agriculture in India between agrarian crisis and economic liberalisation
Together with Dr. Anika Trebbin from the Thünen Institute our colleague Dr. Juliane Dame has published an article in Geographische Rundschau. The article looks at the farmer protests in India in 2020/21 and the challenges that Indian farmers are still facing.
Cover geographische Rundschau_ "No farmers, no future"
© Geographische Rundschau; Trebbin / Dame
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The article can be found here.