
Leah Petersen

PhD Student and research assistant

RG Cultural Geography

Bonn University

Areas of Research

Leah Petersen is PhD student and research assistant in the RG cultural geography.

Leah's research focuses on the realities of trans* people's lives, particularly the dynamics between young trans* people's gender identity and the parental home environment.

Research focus:

  • Queer & trans* geographies
  • Biographical & social geographies of insecurity
  • Housing research
Avatar Petersen

Leah Petersen

1.007 (211)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Curriculum Vitae

Since 04/2024: Research Assistant (WHK), RG Cultural Geography, Geographical Institute, Bonn University

11/2022 - 03/2024: Research Assistant (WHF), RG Social Geography, Geographical Institute, Bonn University

2021 - 2024: Master of Science, Bonn University, Thesis topic: „There is no place like home“ - The dynamics between the gender identity of young, non-binary people & their living environment in the parental home (Grade 1,0)

2017 - 2021: Bachelor of Science, Hamburg University, thesis topic: Threat to the island home - climate perception of the inhabitants of Hallig Hooge (Grade 1,0)

Honours / Awards

Gender Studies Prize of the Bonn University



Preis für:

Master Thesis
Title: „There is no place like home“ - The dynamics between the gender identity of young, non-binary people & their living environment in the parental home

Talks (Outlook)

  • Petersen, Leah: „There is no place like home“ - Die Dynamik zwischen der Geschlechtidentität junger, nicht-binärer Personen und ihrem Wohnumfeld im Elternhaus, NKG, Forschen mit Kindern, jungen Erwachsenen: Raumvorstellungen, Bedürfnisse, Transformation, Mai 2024.

  • Petersen, Leah: „There is no place like home“ - The dynamics between the gender identity of young, non-binary people & their living environment in the parental home. Royal Geographical Society, New and Emerging Research within Gender and Feminist Geographies  II: Everyday Practices of Solidarity and Care, August 2024. 

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