On this page you will find an overview of all publications of the working group.

McGuire, K. J., Klaus, J., & Jackson, C. R. (2024). JAMES BUTTLE REVIEW: Interflow, subsurface stormflow and throughflow: A synthesis of field work and modelling. Hydrological Processes, 38(9), e15263.
Grande, M.M., Kaffas, K., Verdone, M., Borga, M., Cocozza, C., Dani, A., Errico, A., Fabiani, G., Gourdol, L., Klaus, J. and di Villahermosa, F.M., 2024. Seasonal meteorological forcing controls runoff generation at multiple scales in a Mediterranean forested mountain catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 639, p.131642.
Fabiani, G., Klaus, J., and Penna, D.: The influence of hillslope topography on beech water use: a comparative study in two different climates, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 2683–2703,, 2024.
Klaus, J., Baranov, V., Lewandowski, J., Zangerlé, A. and van Schaik, L. (2024). Biological Activity as a Trigger of Enhanced Ecohydrological Interface Activity. In Ecohydrological Interfaces (eds S. Krause, D. Hannah and N. Grimm). (Book chapter)
Pfister, L., Klaus, J., Wetzel, C.E., Antonelli,, M. and Martínez-Carreras, N. (2024). Tracing Hydrological Connectivity with Aerial Diatoms. In Ecohydrological Interfaces (eds S. Krause, D. Hannah and N. Grimm). (Book chapter)
Krause, S., Lewandowski, J., Grimm, N.B., Hannah, D.M., Pinay, G., McDonald, K., Martí, E., Argerich, A., Pfister, L., Klaus, J., Battin, T., Larned, S.T., Schelker, J., Fleckenstein, J., Schmidt, C., Rivett, M.O., Watts, G., Sabater, F., Sorolla, A. and Turk, V. (2024). Ecohydrological Interfaces as Hotspots of Ecosystem Processes. In Ecohydrological Interfaces (eds S. Krause, D. Hannah and N. Grimm). (Book chapter)
Segura, C., Penna, D., Borga, M., Hissler, C., Iffly, J.F, Klaus, J., Latron, J., Llorens, P., Marchina, C., Martínez-Carreras, N., Pfister, L., Zuecco, G. (2023): Comparing hydrological responses across catchments using a new soil water content metric. Hydrological Processes, 37(10), e15010.
Carlotto, T., Klaus, J., Chaffe, P. (2023s): An open-source GIS preprocessing tool for the ParFlow hydrological model (PFGIS-Tool v1.0.0). Environmental Modelling and Software, 169, 105824,
Bonanno, E., Blöschl, G., Klaus, J. (2023): Discharge, groundwater gradients, and streambed micro-topography control the temporal dynamics of transient storage in a headwater reach. Water Resources Research, 59(7), e2022WR034053.
Fresne, M., Chun, K.P., Hrachowitz, M., McGuire, K.J., Schoppach, R., Klaus, J. (2023): Importance of tree diameter and species for explaining the temporal and spatial variations of xylem water δ18O and δ2H in a multi-species forest. Ecohydrology, 16 (5), e2545.
Schoppach, R., Chun, K.P., Klaus, J. (2023): Allometric relations between DBH and sapwood area for predicting stand transpiration: Lessons learned from the Quercus genus. European Journal of Forest Research, 142, 797–809.
Ficklin, D., Hannah, D.M., Wanders, N., Dugdale, S., England, J., Klaus, J., Kelleher, C., Khamis, K., Charlton, M.B. (2023): Rethinking river water temperatures in a changing, human-dominated world. Nature Water 1, 125–128
Fabiani, G., Barbeta, A., Penna, D., Klaus, J. (2022): Sapwood and heartwood are not isolated compartments: consequences for isotope ecohydrology. Ecohydrology, e2478.
Bonanno, E., Blöschl, G., Klaus, J. (2022). Exploring tracer information in a small stream to improve parameter identifiability and enhance the process interpretation in transient storage models. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences., 26, 6003–6028,
Benettin, P., Rodriguez, N.B., Sprenger, M., Kim, M., Klaus, J., Harman, C., van der Velde, Y., Hrachowitz, M., Botter, G., McGuire, K., Kirchner, J., Rinaldo, A., McDonnell, J.J. (2022): Transit time estimation in catchments: Recent developments and future directions. Water Resources Research, 58 (11), e2022WR033096.
Klaus, J., Monk, W., Zhang, L., Hannah, D.M. (2022): Ecohydrological Interactions during Drought. Ecohydrology, 15(5), e2456.
He, Q., Xu, B., Yetemen, Ö., Lütfi Şen, Ö., Klaus, J., Schoppach, R., Çağlar, F., Yu Fan, P., Dieppois, B., Chen, L., Danaila, L., Massei, N., Chun, K.P. (2022): Impact of the North-Sea Caspian pattern on Meteorological drought and Vegetation Response over diverging environmental systems in western Eurasia. Ecohydrology, 15(5), e2446.
Fabiani, G., Schoppach, R., Penna, D., Klaus J. (2022): Transpiration patterns and water use strategies of beech and oak trees along a hillslope. Ecohydrology 15(2), e2382.
Dugdale, S., Klaus, J., Hannah, D.M. (2022): Looking to the skies: realising the potential of drones and thermal infrared imagery to advance hydrological process understanding in headwaters. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR031168.
Glaser, B., Hopp, L., Partington, D., Brunner, P., Therrien, R., Klaus, J. (2021): Sources of surface water in space and time: Identification of delivery processes and geographical sources with hydraulic mixing-cell modelling. Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR030332,