Research Group Prof. Dr. Naumann - Urban and Regional Geography
The research group Urban and Regional Geography at the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn is lead by Prof. Dr. Matthias Naumann. More information will follow soon. Please refer currently to our website in German1.
Call for Papers - Annual Conference WG Geographical Energy Research, Cottbus September 01 - 03, 2025
The WG Geographical Energy Research will meet this year at the beginning of September in Cottbus for its annual conference. The event will be held under the title “Conflicts surrounding the energy transition: On the great resistance to the great transformation”.
A total of four thematic strands are planned:
1. conflicts over renewable energies
2. transformation and target conflicts due to hydrogen
3. the heat transition as a new area of conflict
4. thematically open strand
Contact Information
Prof. Dr. Matthias Naumann
1.018 (221)
Meckenheimer Allee 166
53115 Bonn
Elvan Noyan Lehrach
1.019 (222)
Meckenheimer Allee 166
53115 Bonn