
Working group Prof. Dr. Nöthen - Didactics of Geography

Global change processes that affect our social interactions, politics, economy and technology as well as the natural foundations in space and time pose a major challenge: socio-ecological transformation. The mostly complex problems can only be understood by bringing together different (disciplinary) perspectives. Geographical education creates the basis for looking at phenomena and their connections at the interface between society and the environment from multiple perspectives, recognizing problems, thinking about necessary changes and initiating them. Against this background, the aim of the working group is to give visibility to the approach of Transformative Geographical Education (TGB) - based on the guiding principle of sustainability. Research and teaching are therefore geared towards current questions in the subject of geography and their successful communication. General information on the didactics of geography in Bonn can be found on the website of the Bonn Center for Teacher Education.

For more information: Website Bonner Zentrums für Lehrerbildung1.

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© Friederike Pauk/GIUB


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© Eva Nöthen


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© Eva Nöthen


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Prof. Dr. Eva Nöthen

0.054 (132)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

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Kirsten Oltmanns

Administration und Management

1.006 (212)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

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