We are celebrating a special anniversary! The Department of Geography at the University of Bonn has been teaching and researching since 1875. On the occasion ...
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Once again the University of Bonn is offering a variety of events, exhibitions, guided tours and lectures on Dies Academicus, to which all students and ...
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The future of the public and the struggle for the democratic economy Further information on this lecture event will follow shortly.
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BGG-Vortrag: Internationale Klimapolitik in Zeiten geopolitischer Umbrüche In Zeiten geopolitischer Umbrüche und Neuordnungen verschieben sich auch die ...
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Climate Justice - The Intertwinements of the Climate Crisis with Colonialism and Racism Further information on this lecture event will follow shortly.
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Child-friendly cities as a solution to urban shrinkage Further information on this lecture event will follow shortly.
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Over the past decade, concern has grown about places in Europe and North America ‘left behind’ by globalisation and technological change. ‘Left behind places’ ...
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Climate crisis or educational crisis? Perspectives on earth system education from Israel Further information on this lecture event will follow shortly.
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