Additional services
Here you can find all information about further additional offers: The E-propaedeutic1, the Geoverbund ABC/J2, language courses3, the Geomatics students’ workshop4 and the conference sponsorship of the student council5.
A format for practicing academic working comprising several teaching modules on e-Campus. The following four lessons can be worked on via a freely accessible eCampus course:
- Literature research
- Text work
- Citation
- Scientific work

The processing sequence is left to the students themselves. These are learning modules that convey the teaching content in the form of videos, text boxes, downloads, etc. Subsequently, tasks are to be worked on, for which there is immediate computer-based feedback and the sample solution.
For participants of the Bachlor Advanced Seminars it is possible that the Propädeutikum will be integrated into the seminar by the lecturers, therefore we recommend to wait with the exercises.
Pre-courses / offers of assistance
Mathematics made easy!
At the University of Bonn, first-year students and students are offered assistance and courses to refresh and improve their math skills.
Online math bridge course “OMB+”
A range of courses is available to help students develop their basic mathematical skills and thus successfully manage the transition from school to university.
Test or refresh your math skills - individually and at your own pace - with the Fit4Math online course!
Take modules from the Universities of Cologne and Aachen as well as Forschungszentrum Jülich. Der Geoverbund ABC/J stellt das geowissenschaftliche Netzwerk in der Forschungsregion Aachen-Bonn-Cologne/Jülich dar. Dabei kooperieren die geowissenschaftlichen Institute der RWTH Aachen, der Universitäten Bonn und zu Köln sowie des Forschungszentrums Jülich. So kann die Expertise in der geowissenschaftlichen Forschung und Lehre gebündelt und vernetzt werden.
Geoverbund ABC/J Vorstellungsvideo
Bild © Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn / YouTube
Study across locations without second fees
The abolition of the secondary tuition fees enables the use of the geoscientific courses offered by the partner universities and thus promotes individual profiling and mobility (for further information see poster; in German only)
Studying in the Geoverbund in general
Within the framework of the Geoverbund ABC/J, 11 Bachelor's and 14 Master's degree programs are offered at RWTH Aachen University and the Universities of Bonn and Cologne.
Excursions in the Geoverbund
The Geoverbund ABC/J offers an interdisciplinary excursion for geoscientists and geographers in the bachelor and master phase as well as for PhD students. Each excursion place is supported by the Geoverbund ABC/J with 500 Euro. The excursion can be credited:
- in the B.Sc. Geography or teaching degree in Geography
- in module B10: Learning on site II as a 7-day excursion or in the free elective course
- in the M.Sc. Geography in the module M5: Lernen vor Ort - Exkursion..
Please give prior notice to the Examination Office Geography by mail ( if you want to participate in the ABC/J excursion and have it credited. Furthermore, the excursion can only be credited once, i.e. either in the Bachelor's or in the Master's program.
Information on crediting external services can be found on the Examination Office page.
You will be able to take language courses at the Language Learning Center13 under the following conditions:
- Geography B.Sc.: you can be allocated to a maximum of two language courses during your degree program, regardless of whether you complete these courses successfully.
- Geography M.Sc. and joint master’s: you can be allocated to a maximum of one language course during your degree program, regardless of whether you complete this course successfully.
Teach-yourself courses (Accompanied Autonomous Foreign Language Learning14) also count toward this limit.
Note: Note that only one “A” course can be taken during the 1st registration phase. This applies to all students at the University of Bonn (not just for Geography).
French language courses can also be taken at the Institut francais15; please contact Ms. Ketterer (kurse.institutfrancais@uni-bonn.de16).

Recording language courses on certificates
Language courses cannot be counted as elective modules on the Geography B.Sc. bachelor’s degree program. However, they can be shown as additional achievements on your certificate if they are taken at the University of Bonn.
On the Geography M.Sc. master’s degree program, a language course can be shown as an additional achievement on your certificate if it was taken at the University of Bonn.
Rosetta Stone interactive language learning software
The USL, with the support of the Rectorate, has purchased a license to use the interactive language learning software Rosetta Stone. This software gives you an effective way to learn a wide range of foreign languages by yourself. You are taught speaking, reading, writing and listening skills in your chosen foreign language with the help of pronunciation exercises, audio clips, pictures and texts, among other things.
Consultation and assistance for all students at the Department of Geography – including NaLa and the Joint Master program!
Do you need to work with GIS for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis or a project, have a technical problem, and don’t know how to proceed? Or do you need a specific tool for a method but don’t know which one to use?
Then ask your question to the Student Geomatics Workshop! Simply send us an email, and we’ll work on it together. Either we’ll quickly find a solution, or we’ll arrange a meeting via Zoom or in person at the GIUB.

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. You might already find an answer to your problem there!
Please note that we cannot provide further consultation for questions about basic or methodological principles of GIS or remote sensing (e.g., What elements must be included in a map? What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised classification?).
- Assistance for everyone at the GIUB working on a project, Bachelor's, or Master's thesis
- Consultation on *technical* questions and problems related to GIS and remote sensing
- Support for technical issues when using the following programs or libraries:
QGIS, ArcGIS, Google Earth Engine, SNAP, ENVI (if necessary: R, Python)
- Support for technical issues when using the following programs or libraries:
- Referral to experts for specific issues
- (When resources become available again): Extracurricular courses on R or Python
Note: If you encounter a problem in a methods, advanced, or project seminar, please first contact your instructor. If questions remain, feel free to contact the Student Geomatics Workshop!