How to become a geographer
How to become a geographer
Studying in Bonn

Prospective students

Interested in studying geography?
Here you can find information on studying at the Department of Geography and help choosing a degree program.
Außenansicht des GIUB
© Friederike Pauk/ GIUB

Prospective Bachelor's students

Are you interested in a bachelor's degree programm at the Department of Geography? Here you can find all information about the B.Sc., B.A. Minor and Teaching Bachelor.

(The following pages are only available in german)
Treppe der Bibliothek im Innenhof
© Friederike Pauk/ GIUB

Prospective Master's students

Are you interested in a master's degree program at the Department of Geography at the University? Here you can find all information about the different master degree programs.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Barbara Fromann/Uni Bonn

Applicants for a Higher Program-Related Semester / Transfers

You have already started or finished a geography or different degree program? Here you can find all information about the recognition for external achievements and transfers.

(The following pages are only available in german)

Why you should study Geography at the University of Bonn

In this video the Departemnt of Geography at the University of Bonn is introduced and you can find out "Why YOU should study in Bonn".

Why you should study Geography at the University of Bonn

What study programmes can you expect?

The following video introduces the four Master's degree programmes at the GIUBs. It gives you an insight into the subject areas covered at the institute (only available in german).

Die vier Studienrichtungen des Master of Science am GIUB


Bachelor's degree programs


Students at the Department of Geography


Master's degree programs


Avatar Student Advisory Service

Student Advisory Service

0.044 (102)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Office hours

Tuesday - Thursday 09:00 - 13:00

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