Prospective Master's students

Master of Science in Geography
What sets Bonn’s Geography master’s degree program apart is that specialization is possible, but not required. This means that you can tailor your studies entirely to suit your own personal interests. Students who wish to specialize can choose one of four fields: Development and Globalization, Governance and Space, Changing Environmental Systems, and Water in Global Change.
(The following pages are only available in german)

Master of Education in Geography
The Master of Education in Geography can only be taken together with another subject and Educational Sciences in Bonn and qualifies students to teach at grammar and comprehensive schools. The master’s program focuses particularly on subject didactics and the practical semester.
(The following pages are only available in german)

Master of Science Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security
The international master’s degree program in the Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security is a joint program offered in conjunction with the Institute for Environmental Risks and Human Security at United Nations University (UNU-EHS).

Master of Science in Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
The master’s degree program in Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, or “NaLa” for short, is a joint degree program offered in conjunction with the Faculty of Agriculture. Students are expected to present the social aims of nature conservation in the light of the latest landscape ecology research.

Master’s degree program in Disaster Management and Risk Governance
The part-time master’s degree program for continuing education in Disaster Management and Risk Governance is offered in conjunction with the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). It is an academic degree program for continuing education with a practical bent and is intended for specialists and managers working in risk, crisis and disaster management.
(The following pages are only available in german)
Information on applications
Unlike with bachelor’s degree programs, applications for master’s degree programs are not submitted centrally via the Student Registry at the University of Bonn. The relevant information is thus provided by the degree program concerned.
All the master’s degree programs mentioned above apart from the Master of Education in Geography have restricted admission. Applications can only be submitted for the winter semester, i.e. for starting in October. Please note the different application dates of the offered master degree programs.